Characterisation of the NBT:GCaMP3 line. (A) Wide fluorescence imaging of 7 dpf larvae expressing GCaMP3 under control of NBT promoter. Top—dorsal view. Bottom—lateral view. (B) Confocal imaging of 7 dpf NBT:GCaMP3 larvae at three different depths. Note that GCaMP3 fluorescence is evident in all major areas of the brain. CB: cerebellum, Hind: hindbrain, OT: optic tectum, Tel: telencephalon. (C–D) GCaMP3 expression is robust in fish aged 10 to 21 dpf. Shown are representative images of the optic tectum at 11, 17, 20 (C), and 21 dpf (D). Note that majority of tectal periventricular cells bodies are labelled with GCaMP3 (D). NP: neuropil, PVN: periventricular neurons. Scale bar—50 µm.