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. 2018 Mar 17;8(3):e018959. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2017-018959

Table 1.

Demographics of the final sample and detail by wave

Total* NU1 NU2 NU3
N invited 4156† 841† 2240† 3374†
% females (95% CI) 50.5% (48.9 to 52.1) 54.8% (51.4 to 58.2) 50.4% (48.3 to 52.4) 49.7% (48.0 to 51.4)
N completed (response rate) 2773 (67%) 373 (44%) 665 (30%) 2151 (64%)
Mean age (SD) (range) 26.1 (4.1) (18.7–38.6) 24.7 (3.3) (18.4–30.4) 27.4 (2.9) (20.6–38.6) 25.7 (4.3) (18.7–38.3)
% females (95% CI) 57.8% (55.9 to 59.6) 62.9% (57.7 to 67.8) 58.2% (54.3 to 62.0) 57.6% (55.4 to 60.0)
Marital status % (n) NA‡
 Married 21.6% (599) 28.1% (187) 19.4% (418)
 Separated 1.0% (28) 0.9% (6) 1.1% (23)
 Divorced 1.0% (28) 1.4% (9) 0.9% (20)
 Widowed 0.1% (3) 0.1% (3)
 Never married 76.3% (2115) 69.6% (463) 78.4% (1687)
Have children % (95% CI) 18.3% (16.9 to 19.8) NA‡ 22.1% (19.0 to 25.5) 17.3% (15.7 to 19.0)
Highest education level§ % (n) NA‡
 No formal education 0.0% (1) 0.0% (0) 0.05% (1)
 Primary school 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0)
 Junior secondary school 1.8% (51) 1.5% (10) 2.1% (45)
 Senior secondary school 16.2% (449) 14.4% (96) 16.9% (364)
 Certificate or diploma 24.3% (675) 29.3% (195) 23.2% (498)
 Degree 44.7% (1239) 39.5% (263) 45.7% (983)
 Postgraduate diploma, masters, PhD 12.8% (354) 15.2% (101) 11.9% (256)
 Don’t know/prefer not to answer 0.1% (4) 0.0% (0) 0.18% (4)

*NU1 data is in part reported in ref.,1 but not included in the total sample or used in this analysis as most of the participants (345 out of 373: 92%) later completed NU2 or NU3.

†4156 unique individuals were invited to participate in the 19Up, but some were invited in several waves. Participants invited in NU1 were all reinvited in NU2. They were also invited as part of NU3 if they had not completed NU2 and not refused to be recontacted. Forty participants of NU2 also completed NU3.

‡Succinct demographics for NU1 were collected as part of a different study on political views and economical games and different questions were used.

§Participants were asked about their highest level of education (completed or partially completed) at the time of questionnaire.

19Up, Nineteen and Up study.