Fig 1.
A: The core transcriptional network of the factors orchestrating the pluripotency and differentiation genes (suggested by [10]). External A+ and B- signals activate and repress expression of Oct4, Sox2 and Nanog genes, correspondingly. Oct4 and Sox2 form a heterodimer, Oct4/Sox2, which positively regulates Oct4, Sox2 and Nanog expression. Nanog directly induces Oct4, Sox2 and its own expression. Oct4/Sox2 heterodimer and Nanog positively regulate pluripotency genes and repress differentiation genes. B: The revised core gene network suggested in this paper, in which transcription and translation processes were added; external signal B- is removed and positive signal A+ activates transcription of Oct4 и Sox2 genes. Nanog represses its own transcription and does not influence on Oct4 and Sox2 expression.