Figure 4.
A. mRNA expression of selected Nrf2 target genes measured by qPCR in the lungs of rats treated with iPSC CM (dark solid bars), fibroblast CM (hatched bars), or cell free media (set as 1.0) and exposed to 90% O2 × 3 d. The mRNA quantity, 2(−ΔΔCT), was expressed as a ratio to the average value in control animals treated with cell free media. Gene names are shown in Supplemental Table 2. Mean±SD; 5–7 animals per group. P<0.0001, iPSC vs. fibroblast CM across all parameters by repeated measures ANOVA. B. Immunoblot of Nrf2 target proteins: metallothionein A (MTA, left) and peroxidasin (PXDN, right), in lungs of rats treated with iPSC CM (dark solid bars), fibroblast CM (hatched bars), or cell free CM (stippled bars), and exposed to 90% O2 × 3d. Representative blots are shown (top). Quantitative protein expression normalized to β-actin loading are shown as ratios to the average values in control animals instilled with cell free media (=1.0) (bottom). Mean±SD. Duplicate assays; 5–7 animals per group. P<0.05: † vs. cell free media; ‡ vs. fibroblast CM; factorial ANOVA.