Table 1.
Data collection and structure refinement statistics of PML-RING
Data collection | |
Space group | P212121 |
Unit cell dimension (Å) | |
a | 38.5 |
b | 84.7 |
c | 86.1 |
Molecule per ASU | 4 |
Derivative | Native |
Source/Stationa | BL17U |
Wavelength (Å) | 1.2824, Znpeak |
Resolution range (Å) | 60.4 - 1.60 |
Observations (I/σ(I) > 0) | 467248 |
Unique reflections (I/σ(I) > 0) | 37754 |
High resolution shell (Å) | 1.69-1.60 |
Rsym (%)b,c | 14.9 (133.6) < I/σ(I) > c: 8.0 (1.3) |
Completenessc (%) | 99.4 (99.9) |
Redundancyc | 2.4 (11.5) |
CC1/2 | 0.996 (0.848) |
Structure refinement | |
Resolution range (Å) | 60.4 - 1.60 |
R-factor (%) | 20.3 |
R-factor (high resolution shell)d | 35.0 |
Rfree (%)e | 21.7 |
Rfree (high resolution shell) | 36.6 |
Total number of non-hydrogen atoms | |
Protein atoms | 1403 |
Water molecules | 224 |
Zn ions | 8 |
R.m.s. deviationsf | |
Bond length (Å) | 0.005 |
Bond angle (°) | 0.954 |
Main chain B-factors (Å2) | 1.799 |
Side chain B-factors (Å2) | 5.871 |
Wilson B-factor (Å2) | 22.1 |
Average B-factor (Å2) | |
Protein atoms | 43.8 |
Solvent atoms | 49.5 |
Zn ions | 38.3 |
Ramachandran statistics (%) | |
Most favored region | 99.4 |
Allowed regions | 0.6 |
aBeamline designations refer to the Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility, Shanghai, P. R. of China
bRsym = Σ(I − <I>)2/ΣI2
coverall, high resolution shell in parentheses
dhigh resolution shell: 1.640–1.600 Å
eRfree calculated using 5% of total reflections omitted from refinement
fR.m.s. deviations report root mean square deviations from ideal bond lengths/angles and of B-factors between bonded atoms44