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. 2018 Mar 29;136(5):482–488. doi: 10.1001/jamaophthalmol.2018.0561

Table 2. Comparison of Studies on Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy Yield Rates.

Source Patients, No. Mean Tumor Thickness, mm No./Total No. (%)
Transvitreal Yield Rates Transscleral Yield Rates Genetic Yield Cytopathologic Yield
Shields et al,9 2007 140 3.9 65/67 (97.0) 55/73 (75.3) 120/140 (85.7) NA
Chang and McCannel,13 2014 38 4.8 27/38 (71.1) 25/38 (65.8) NA 52/76 (68.4)
Singh et al,12 2016 143, Including transcorneal biopsy 6.0a Cytology: 55/64 (85.9); genomics: 44/64 (68.7) Cytology: 68/71 (95.7); genomics: 70/71 (98.6) 114/135 (84.4) 123/135 (91.1)
Sellam et al,14 2016 217 8.4 30/32 (93.8) 139/185 (75.1) 169/217 (77.9) NA
Correa and Augsburger,15 2014 159 5.8 NA NA 158/159 (99.4) 125/159 (78.6)
Current study 44 2.7 Cytology: 30/33 (90.9); genomics: 29/33 (87.8) Cytology: 11/11 (100); genomics: 11/11 (100) 40/44 (90.9) 41/44 (93.2)

Abbreviation: NA, not applicable.


This is a calculated value from data provided in the article.