Figure 1.
Dynamic assembly/disassembly of DNA triangular nano-prism in reaction buffer. (A) Schematic representation of DNA-mediated assembly/disassembly of TP-A and TP-B by DNA hybridization and DNA strand displacement reaction. (B) Schematic representation of cholesterol-labeled DNA triangular nanoprism anchored on the bilayer of MVs. (C) Native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (5%) analysis of dynamic assembly/disassembly of DNA nanoprisms in reaction buffer. Lane 1: TP scaffold. Lane 2: TP-A. Lane 3: TP-B. Lane 4: hybridizing TP-A and TP-B by linker strand to assemble nanoprisms. Lane 5:1.2-fold excess displacement strand to disassemble the dimeric nanoprism. L: 20-bp ladder consisting of double strands of DNA with length increasing in 20-bp steps. All DNA bands were stained by Stains-All and then imaged using the Bio-Rad ChemiDoc XRS System.