Fig. 1.
All India scenario of Chikungunya: a CHIKV confirmed cases (grey bar) versus Area-weighted avg rainfall (black line) from 2010 to 2014. Pearson correlation Coefficient, r = 0.95595; b Chikungunya confirmed cases with average maximum (MXT) and minimum temperatures (MNT) for India. Positive correlation between cases versus MXT (r = 0.97835) and cases versus MNT (r = 0.85494); c Occurrences of CHKV over the years along with the Area-weighted Average Annual Rainfall (ARF) in the state of Maharashtra; d Occurrences of CHKV over the years along with the ARF in the state of Karnataka; e Occurrences of CHKV over the years along with the ARF in the state of West Bengal