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. 2017 Jan 13;2(1):e000056. doi: 10.1136/tsaco-2016-000056

Table 1.

Comparison of TXA administration protocols between the IDF and civilian EMS in Israel (from Nadler et al 18)

Relation to mechanism Penetrating* Non-compressible haemorrhage
Evacuation time >15 min
Age All ages >18 years
Markers of shock/need for massive transfusion SBP <90 or HR >100 At least 2 signs:
  1. SBP <90

  2. HR >110

  3. Pallor/sweating

  4. Slow capillary refill time

  5. Deterioration of consciousness

According to the IDF protocol, TXA should be administered automatically, regardless of signs of shock, to all casualties with penetrating injury to the torso and junctional areas.

EMS, emergency medical service; HR, heart rate; IDF, Israel Defence Forces; SBP, systolic blood pressure; TXA, tranexamic acid.

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