Table 1.
Adaptation of AAST Organ Injury Scale for Spleen
Grade | Injury type | Description of injury |
I | Hematoma Laceration |
Subcapsular, <10% surface area Capsular tear, <1 cm parenchymal depth |
II | Hematoma | Subcapsular, 10% to 50% surface area Intraparenchymal, <5 cm in diameter |
Laceration | Capsular tear, 1 cm to 3 cm parenchymal depth that does not involve a trabecular vessel | |
III | Hematoma Laceration |
Subcapsular, >50% surface are or expanding: ruptured subcapsular or parenchymal hematoma: intraparenchymal hematoma_>5 cm or expanding 3 cm parenchymal depth or involving trabecular vessels |
IV | Laceration | Laceration involving segmental or hilar vessels producing major devascularization (>25% of spleen) |
V | Laceration Vascular |
Completely shattered spleen Hilar vascular injury with devascularizes spleen |
Adapted from American Association for the Surgery of Trauma organ injury scale for spleen.