Figure 2.
Effects of electrical activation of olivocochlear efferents on various physiological responses to sounds in quiet. The left and right panels illustrate input/output and threshold tuning curves for the corresponding system, respectively. (A,B) Basilar motion. Data re-plotted, in modified form, from Cooper and Guinan (33). (C,D) Inner hair cell receptor potential. Data re-plotted, in modified form, from Brown and Nuttall (34). (E,F) Discharge of single auditory nerve afferent fibers. Data in panels (E,F) are re-plotted, in modified form, from Wiederhold (35) and Guinan and Gifford (36), respectively. (G) Auditory nerve CAP. Data re-plotted, in modified form, from Elgueda et al. (37). Abbreviations: BM, basilar membrane; CAP, compound action potential; DC, direct current; MOC, medial-olivocochlear efferents.