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. 2018 Apr 2;18:145. doi: 10.1186/s12879-018-3051-7

Table 2.

Positive rates of HBsAg, anti-HCV, anti-HIV and anti-TP among patients from Xiangya Hospital Central South University, China, 2011–2016

Year Number of patients screened Total Anti-HIV HBsAg Anti-HCV Anti-TP
Number (%) Number (%) Number (%) Number (%) Number (%)
Both male and female
 2011 53,779 8911 (16.57) 67 (0.12) 6779 (12.61) 820 (1.53) 1245 (2.32)
 2012 63,299 9729 (15.37) 106 (0.17) 7191 (11.36) 806 (1.27) 1626 (2.57)
 2013 70,277 10,950 (15.58) 98 (0.14) 7963 (11.33) 984 (1.40) 1905 (2.71)
 2014 78,709 12,177 (15.47) 123 (0.15) 8605 (10.93) 1216 (1.55) 2233 (2.84)
 2015 83,888 12,263 (14.62) 144 (0.17) 8531 (10.17) 1123 (1.34) 2465 (2.94)
 2016 92,169 13,845 (15.02) 171 (0.19) 9467 (10.27) 1382 (1.50) 2825 (3.06)
P 0.000 0.005 0.000 0.702 0.000
 2011 26,697 5214 (19.53) 38 (0.14) 4182 (15.66) 438 (1.64) 556 (2.08)
 2012 31,555 5745 (18.21) 77 (0.24) 4436 (14.06) 423 (1.34) 809 (2.56)
 2013 34,852 6511 (18.68) 73 (0.21) 4976 (14.28) 517 (1.48) 945 (2.71)
 2014 38,205 6964 (18.23) 83 (0.22) 5194 (13.60) 622 (1.63) 1065 (2.79)
 2015 40,443 7003 (17.32) 99 (0.25) 5150 (12.73) 585 (1.45) 1169 (2.89)
 2016 46,626 7817 (16.77) 125 (0.27) 5631 (12.08) 694 (1.49) 1367 (2.93)
P 0.000 0.001 0.000 0.108 0.000
Total 218,378 39,254 (17.98) 495 (0.23) 29,569 (13.54) 3279 (1.50) 5911 (2.71)
 2011 27,082 3697 (13.65) 29 (0.11) 2597 (9.59) 382 (1.41) 689 (2.54)
 2012 31,744 3984 (12.55) 29 (0.09) 2755 (8.68) 383 (1.21) 817 (2.57)
 2013 35,425 4439 (12.53) 25 (0.09) 2987 (8.43) 467 (1.32) 960 (2.71)
 2014 40,504 5213 (12.87) 40 (0.10) 3411 (8.42) 594 (1.47) 1168 (2.88)
 2015 43,445 5260 (12.11) 45 (0.10) 3381 (7.78) 538 (1.24) 1296 (2.98)
 2016 45,543 6028 (13.24) 46 (0.10) 3836 (8.42) 688 (1.51) 1458 (3.20)
P 0.112 0.805 0.000 0.279 0.000
Total 223,743 28,621 (12.79) 214 (0.10) 18,967 (8.48) 3052 (1.36) 6388 (2.86)
 ≤20 53,903 2112 (3.92) 45 (0.09) 1259 (2.34) 351 (0.65) 457 (0.85)
 21–30 71,362 9730 (13.63) 131 (0.18) 7695 (10.78) 689 (0.97) 1215 (1.70)
 31–40 75,280 13,983 (18.57) 146 (0.19) 10,697 (14.21) 1028 (1.37) 2112 (2.81)
 41–50 87,275 16,911 (19.38) 166 (0.19) 12,483 (14.30) 1536 (1.76) 2726 (3.12)
 51–60 70,723 12,288 (17.37) 130 (0.18) 8653 (12.24) 1253 (1.77) 2252 (3.18)
 61–70 55,256 8968 (16.23) 76 (0.14) 5751 (10.41) 975 (1.76) 2166 (3.92)
 ≥71 28,322 3883 (13.71) 15 (0.05) 1998 (7.05) 499 (1.76) 1371 (4.84)
P 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000