Fig. 2.
Fiber-FISH images of eccDNAs in GR A. palmeri with 80 EPSPS copies. (A) Circular form of eccDNA. (B) Linear form of eccDNA. (C) Dimerized circular form of eccDNA with head-to-tail tandem orientation. (D) Linear form of eccDNA with head-to-tail dimer. (E) Atypical fiber representing structural changes. Note: In the relatively long DNA fibers (D, E), two images were captured sequentially with an overlapping region and then they were combined into a single image using Adobe Photoshop. 1, BAC 01G15; 2, BAC 13C09; 3, BAC 22F22; 4, BAC 23A10; 5, BAC 03A06; 6, BAC 08H14. (Scale bars, 10 μm.)