Figure 9.
Ozone production efficiency (OPE) over the Southeast US in summer estimated from the relationship between odd oxygen (Ox) and the sum of NOx oxidation products (NOz) below 1.5 km altitude. The left panel compares SEAC4RS observations to GEOS-Chem values for August–September 2013 (data from Figure 2). The right panel compares SEAC4RS observations to INTEX-NA aircraft observations collected over the same Southeast US domain in summer 2004 (Singh et al., 2006). NOz is defined here as HNO3 + PAN + alklynitrates, all of which were measured from the SEAC4RS and INTEX-NA aircraft. The slope and intercept of the reduced-major-axis (RMA) regression are provided inset with the correlation coefficient (r). Observations for INTEX-NA were obtained from