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. 2018 Jan 16;17(4):721–736. doi: 10.1074/mcp.RA117.000394

Table I. O-glycans released from tryptic peptides of S. sputigena C9LY14 flagellin using reductive β-elimination. Released O-glycans were detected using PGC nanoLC-ESI MSMS. RT, retention time in minutes; all mass values are in Dalton; calc. m/z, theoretical m/z value. Structures of O-glycans in bold letters were determined based on MSMS spectra in negative ion mode. For all others, no product ion spectrum was generated, assignment based on MS1 level only.

RT m/z z calc. m/z Δm/z Composition Modification Relative abundance [%]
24.7 457.16 1 457.19 -0.03 Rha3 7.6
28.3 749.34 1 749.31 0.03 Rha5 59.0
39.9 763.34 1 763.32 0.02 Rha5 +14 Da 0.9
38.6 791.36 1 791.32 0.04 Rha5 +42 Da 0.5
24.5 660.30 1 660.27 0.03 Rha3 GlcNAc 3.8
26.1 660.30 1 660.27 0.03 Rha3 GlcNAc 8.4
29.5 660.30 1 660.27 0.03 Rha3 GlcNAc 19.3
37.9 702.31 1 702.28 0.03 Rha3 GlcNAc +42 Da 0.5