Network graph of the 17901 genes expressed within the first 24
A, 3D layout graph represented by 13,559 nodes connected
by 765,001 edges at a Pearson correlation threshold of r ≥ 0.97.
B–E, Temporal gene expression by the
F. hepatica life-cycle stages: metacercariae (met),
NEJ 1 h, 3 h, and 24 h post-excystment, respectively. Low levels of gene
transcription are depicted by the small node size and the yellow/green
node color. Increased gene transcription is represented by an increase in
node size and the node color change from yellow/green to blue/purple/red.
The number of genes with increased gene transcription at each time point
and the number of unique Gene Ontology (GO) terms represented by these
genes are shown.