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. 2018 Feb 8;8(1):10.1128/ecosalplus.ESP-0009-2017. doi: 10.1128/ecosalplus.esp-0009-2017

Table 6.

Classes of P. mirabilis fimbriae and their contribution to virulence

Fimbria Genes Classa Implicated in virulenceb,c Protein MrpJ paralog Ref
MR/P′ PMI0254-PMI0261 π PMI0261 124
MR/P PMI0262-PMI0271 π * PMI0271 43, 95, 101, 124, 126, 141, 207, 214, 222, 223, 226, 227, 229232, 242, 355
Fimbria 3 PMI0296-PMI0304 π PMI0296 124
UCA PMI0532-PMI0536 γ1 PMI0532 101, 124, 126, 225, 233238
Fimbria 5 PMI1060-PMI1067 π PMI1060 124, 126
Fimbria 6 PMI1185-PMI1190 γ1 None
Fimbria 7 PMI1193-PMI1197 γ1 None
Fimbria 8 PMI1464-PMI1470 γ1 PMI1470 101, 126
PMF PMI1877-PMI1881 π * None 101, 124, 126, 213, 214, 241, 242, 248
Fimbria 10 PMI2207-PMI2214 γ1 PMI2209, PMI2207 124
PMP PMI2216-PMI2224 π PMI2224 124, 245
Fimbria 12 PMI2533-PMI2539 γ2 None 124
ATF PMI2728-PMI2733 γ1 PMI2733 101, 124, 244
Fimbria 14 PMI2997-PMI3003 ND PMI3003 101, 124, 126, 154
Fimbria 15 PMI3086-PMI3093 π None 124, 126
Fimbria 16 PMI3348-PMI3352 γ1 None 124
Fimbria 17 PMI3435-PMI3440 γ1 None 124

Table adapted from reference 19.


Greek classification was determined as in references 206 and 100. The operon encoding Fimbria 14 lacks a chaperone, and thus cannot be classified in the Greek system.


The mutant was tested in: IC, independent challenge experiment; CO, cochallenge experiment; STM, signature-tagged mutagenesis experiment; SS CAUTI, Tn-Seq CAUTI model with P. mirabilis alone; CO CAUTI, Tn-Seq CAUTI model during coinfection with Providencia stuartii; Exp, expressed in vivo; in vitro, virulence attributes (e.g., cell adherence, hemagglutination) detected using in vitro assays.


✓, positive for the trait; ⦸, negative for the trait; ↑, induced in vivo compared with in vitro culture; ↓, repressed in vivo compared with in vitro culture.



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