PET CT; bioluminescence and fluorescence illustration for use in cancer field.
Notes: (A) HT29 tumors were established subcutaneously in nude mice. Then vaccinia virus was injected intratumorally at 1×107 pfu as follow: vaccinia virus expressing NIS for SPECT image, vaccinia expressing firefly luciferase tag for bioluminescent image or vaccinia expressing eGFP tag for fluorescence. Four days after virus treatment, the mice were injected with 99Tc radioisotope for small-animal SPECT/CT imaging, D-luciferin (Molecular Imaging Products, Ann Arbor, MI, USA) for bioluminescent. Images were taken using the in vivo imaging system IVIS 200 Series Imaging System (Xenogen, Hopkinton, MA, USA). Luminescent and fluorescent images data acquisition and analysis were performed using Living Image v2.5 software. (B) Ht29 tumors were established subcutaneously in nude mice. Fourteen days after tumor seeding, the mice were injected with vaccinia virus expressing firefly luciferase tag (3), vaccinia virus with no imaging reporter (2) or not injected (1). Mice were sacrificed, tumor harvested and cut in half for imaging analysis. (C) Transgenic mice (90 days old) were treated with vaccinia-expressing fluorescent marker intravenously. Four days later, the mice were sacrificed, tumor harvested and processed for image testing. Top: brightness and contrast; Bottom: fluorescence.
Abbreviations: PET, positron emission tomography; CT, computed tomography; NIS, sodium iodide symporter, SPECT, single-photon emission computed tomography.