FIG 6.
Number of VmpA-His6-coated latex beads in E. variegatus midguts after ingestion and fluorescent observations. (A) Presence of fluorescent beads coated with VmpA-His6 in E. variegatus midgut after the ingestion of beads for 2 days. Low magnification (×4) by fluorescence microscopy showing the actin fluorescence (red, Alexa 568-phalloidin) of intestine cells and fluorescent beads (green) (a) and by phase-contrast microscopy overlaid with fluorescent image of beads (b). amg, anterior midgut; mmg, middle midgut; pmg, posterior midgut; fc, filter chamber; mt, Malpighian tubules. Higher magnification showing VmpA-His6-coated latex beads (green) (c), actin (red) and nuclei (blue, DAPI) (d), and the overlay of green VmpA-His6-coated latex beads and intestine tube viewed by phase-contrast microscopy (e). (B) Numbers of VmpA-His6-coated beads in the E. variegatus middle midguts. After feeding on HEPES-sucrose with BSA-coated beads or VmpA-His6-coated beads, E. variegatus insects were maintained one, two, four, or seven days on broad beans before their intestines were dissected. These assays were performed in three independent experiments, and 36 to 70 insects per group were examined. Different lowercase letters above sets indicate statistically significant differences calculated separately for each time on broad beans (Student's test, P < 0.05).