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. 2018 Apr 2;84(8):e00114-18. doi: 10.1128/AEM.00114-18

FIG 4.


Characterization of the roles of the dual cre sites in CcpA autoregulation. (A) The proposed dual-cre form for CcpA autoregulation. (B) Characteristics of the promoter region of ccpA. The transcriptional start site A is highlighted in red. The −10 and −35 regions are underlined. The CcpA-binding site creP is highlighted in blue. (C) Role of the creP site in controlling CcpA expression. creP, original promoter sequence of ccpA; creP-m, derived promoter sequence of ccpA that was mutated in the creP site; 824, C. acetobutylicum wild-type strain; ΔccpA, C. acetobutylicum strain with ccpA inactivation. lacZ was used here as the reporter gene, and the gray circle represents the original and mutated CcpA-binding sites, creP and creP-m. PccpA, promoter of the ccpA gene. (D) Role of the creORF site in controlling CcpA expression. creORF, ccpA coding region; creORF-m, derived ccpA coding region that was mutated in the creORF site. The gray circle represents the original and mutated CcpA-binding sites, creORF and creORF-m. The ccpA and lacZ genes were coexpressed to form a fusion protein. (E) Comparison of the influences of the creP and creORF sites on CcpA expression. P(wt) and P(m), wild-type and creP mutant promoter region sequences of ccpA, respectively. ccpA(wt) and ccpA(m), wild-type and creORF mutant ccpA genes, respectively. All data from the in vivo assay represent averages from two independent samples.