FIG 1.
Regional variations in bacterial communities and their correlation with meteorological variables. (a) The sampling sites in four regions where field-grown broccoli were sampled for this study are indicated on the map of Jeju Island (downloaded from (b) Bacterial community compositions within the four regions were compared using a UniFrac distance-based principal-coordinate analysis, with 95% confidence ellipses. Statistical significance was evaluated using Adonis, with 999 permutations. (c) Meteorological variables correlated with the constrained ordination of distance-based redundancy analysis specific for farming regions. Only variables showing statistical significance are shown (insolation, P = 0.003; relative humidity, P = 0.003; cloud cover, P = 0.034; and temperature, P = 0.012). Statistical significance was evaluated using envfit, with 999 permutations. The ellipses represent 95% confidence inertia ellipses.