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. 2016 Jan 14;56(Suppl 1):S138–S149. doi: 10.1093/geront/gnv667

Table 4.

Mortality HRs Associated With Baseline Alcohol Use by Veteran Status With Moderate Drinkers (Consumes 1–7 Drinks per Week) as Referent

Crude HR (95% CI) Age-adjusted HR (95% CI) Fully adjusted HR a (95% CI)
 Lifelong abstainer 1.02 (0.80–1.30) b 1.10 (0.86–1.41) 1.19 (0.92–1.55)
 Former drinker 1.32 (1.13–1.55) b 1.45 (1.24–1.70) 1.26 (1.07–1.48)
 Consumes <1 drink/week 1.06 (0.90–1.25) 1.14 (0.97–1.35) 1.04 (0.87–1.24)
 Consumes 1–7 drinks/week Ref. Ref. Ref.
 Consumes 8–14 drinks/week 1.02 (0.78–1.33) 0.99 (0.76–1.30) 0.85 (0.64–1.13)
 Consumes ≤15 drinks/week 1.34 (1.01–1.79) 1.43 (1.07–1.90) 1.14 (0.83–1.55)
 Lifelong abstainer 1.40 (1.34–1.45) b 1.19 (1.14–1.24) 1.26 (1.20–1.32)
 Former drinker 1.61 (1.56–1.66) b 1.52 (1.47–1.58) 1.34 (1.29–1.39)
 Consumes <1 drink/week 1.10 (1.06–1.14) 1.09 (1.05–1.13) 1.05 (1.01–1.09)
 Consumes 1–7 drinks/week Ref. Ref. Ref.
 Consumes 8–14 drinks/week 1.06 (1.00–1.13) 1.04 (0.98–1.10) 1.00 (0.93–1.06)
 Consumes ≤15 drinks/week 1.36 (1.28–1.45) 1.39 (1.31–1.48) 1.15 (1.08–1.23)

Notes: CI, confidence interval; HR, hazard ratio.

a Adjusted for age, race/ethnicity, marital status, income, education, WHI study arm, smoking status, pack-years of smoking, body mass index, and physical activity. Results for Veterans and Non-Veterans were obtained using postestimation prediction based on the fitted model with product terms for alcohol use category and Veteran status.

b p < .05 for product term of alcohol use category and Veteran status.