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. 2018 Mar 8;37(7):e98047. doi: 10.15252/embj.201798047

Table 2.

Comparison of IC50 values determined in different experimental conditions

ID IC50 of 49c against IC50 of 49f against IC50 of 49b against IC50 of pyrimethamine against
P. falciparum parasite ~0.6 nM (Ciana et al, 2013) ~0.9 nM (Ciana et al, 2013) > 500 nM (Ciana et al, 2013) ND
RHCBG99 luciferase T. gondii parasite ~700 nM (Dogga et al, 2017) ~500 nM > 10 μM (Dogga et al, 2017) ~300 nM (Dogga et al, 2017)
Ku80Luc T. gondii parasite ~700 nM ND > 10 μM ~300 nM
Ku80LucASP3/F386Y T. gondii parasite 2.1 μM ND > 10 μM ~300 nM
ASP3ty IP ~6 nM ND > 1 μM ND
ASP3tyF344Y IP ~50 nM ND > 1 μM ND
ASP3tyF386Y IP ~50 nM ND > 1 μM ND
ASP3tyF344C IP ~40 nM ND > 1 μM ND
r‐PfPMIX WT ~650 nM ND > 1 μM ND
r‐PfPMIXF291Y ~1 μM ND > 1 μM ND
r‐PfPMX WT ~3 nM ND > 1 μM ND
r‐PfPMXF305Y ~45 nM ND > 1 μM ND

Table comparing IC50 values previously reported elsewhere or reported 1st time in this work. ND, not determined.