Left panels: HeLa cells were fixed and subsequently stained with ChTxB‐Alexa488 (green), ShTxB‐Cy3 (red), anti‐phospho‐Ser10 histone‐H3 (pH3) as a marker of G2/M phase cells (blue) and DAPI (not shown). Insets show examples of pH3
+ and pH3
+ cells, which indicate that both ChTxB positivity and ShTxB positivity are compatible with G2/M phase cells. Acquired confocal images were segmented using the CellProfiler software (Shannon
et al,
2003). Middle panel: mean pH3‐, ChTxB‐, and ShTxB‐associated fluorescence intensities were calculated for 4,051 cells. Individual cells showing an associated ChTxB or ShTxB fluorescence intensity ≥20% (pH3) and ≥15% (ShTxB, ChTxB) maximal recorded fluorescence intensity were considered pH3‐, ChTxB‐, and ShTxB‐positive. The percentages of pH3
+ cells in the total population (black column) and in the ShTxB
+ (red) and ChTxB
+ (green) populations are reported. Right panels: the ChTxB and ShTxB associated mean intensities in the pH3
+ and pH3
− cell subpopulations. Scale bar, 100 μm.