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. 2017 Jul 26;58(1):36–46. doi: 10.1093/geront/gnx119

Table 5.

Logistic regression estimates of the short- and long-term effects of built environment on first onset of fair/poor self-rated health (N = 15,372)

1. Short-term exposure Conventional model MSM
Odds ratio SE Odds ratio SE
  Built environment category (ref = Average)
   High density 1.050 .131 .805 .125
   Low density 1.115 .092 .993 .103
   Service dense 0.977 .139 .868 .150
   Commercially declined 1.319 .241 1.531 .388
2. Cumulative exposure Conventional model MSM
Odds ratio SE Odds ratio SE
 Running average
  Built environment category (ref = Average)
   High density .985 .113 .882 .132
   Low density 1.224* .110 1.187 .153
   Service dense 1.314 .204 .952 .189
   Commercially declined 1.493* .288 1.851* .517

Note: Combined estimates from 10 multiple imputation data sets. All models include all baseline and time-varying individual and zip code covariates, although their effects are not reported.

*p < .05.