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. 2018 Mar 28;14:1744806918767512. doi: 10.1177/1744806918767512

Table 1.

Demographic and psychophysical details of subjects.

HC (n = 17)

CP (n = 17)
Mean SD Range Mean SD Range p
Sex 8M 9F 7M 10F 0.73
Age (years) 41.8 12.5 (24–65) 42.5 10.8 (21–60) .86
Weight (kg) 59.8 12.9 (38–84) 59.9 13.2 (48–96) 0.98
Height (cm) 165.7 10.0 (151–183) 162.1 8.2 (151–177) 0.26
BMI 21.5 2.4 (15.6–25.1) 22.6 3.0 (19.5–30.6) 0.2
Pain duration (years) 9.3 7.8 (0.58–30)
VAS (mm) 0.1 0.2 (0–1) 53.4 27.4 (6–100) <0.0005
Threshold at VAS = 60 (°C) 46.7 1.4 (45.0–50.2) 44.9 2.4 (38.9–48.9) 0.015
PD-Qb 0.08 0.08 (0–1) 17.8 8.2 (0–29) <0.0005
PCSa 0 0 (0) 32.7 12.0 (0–47) <0.0005
BDI 3.2 4.8 (0–18) 17.9 12.8 (0–42) <0.0005
SF-MPQ 0.2 0.5 (0–2) 15.3 9.1 (3–35) <0.0005

HC: healthy control; CP: patients with chronic pain; BMI: body mass index; VAS: visual analog scale; PD-Q: PainDETECT questionnaire; PCS: Pain Catastrophizing Scale; BDI: Beck Depression Inventory; SF-MPQ: Short-Form McGill Pain Questionnaire.

an = 11 for HC.

bn = 12 for HC.