Figure 2. Wolbachia and corresponding mtDNA.
Wolbachia and corresponding mtDNA from infected D. suzukii and three ananassae subgroup species, D. ananassae, D. anomalata and D. pandora. (A) A Bayesian chronogram for wSuz with estimated node ages (medians and 95% credible intervals). Nodes with posterior probabilities less than 0.95 are collapsed into polytomies. The chronogram repeats a portion of Figure 1B. (B) A Bayesian phylogram, with branch lengths rendered proportional to average substitution rate, based on the protein-coding mtDNA from the isofemale lines that produced the wSuz sequences. For all nodes that can be confidently resolved, the phylogram is topologically identical to the corresponding chronogram, as expected with maternal transmission. Branches are labeled with the median of the posterior distribution of ratios of the substitution rates of mtDNA versus Wolbachia along the branch. (C) A Bayesian chronogram for our wAna, wAno and wPan genomes with estimated node ages and 95% credible intervals. Nodes with posterior probabilities less than 0.95 were collapsed into polytomies. This repeats a portion of Figure 1B. (D) A Bayesian phylogram based on the protein-coding mtDNA from the isofemale lines that produced the wAna, wAno and wPan sequences. The phylogram is topologically identical to the corresponding chronogram. As in (B), the branches are labeled with the posterior-median ratios of the substitution rates for mtDNA versus Wolbachia divergence along each branch. The fact that the branches leading to wPan and wAno do not show atypically large substitution-rate ratios is consistent with introgression of Wolbachia among the three ananassae subgroup species. (E) Medians and upper and lower quartiles of the posterior distributions for the substitution-rate ratios of mtDNA to Wolbachia along each branch in panels B and D. The superscripts in the branch labels correspond to the superscripts that appear in the interquartile range limits in (B) and (D). These estimates are based on specific resolutions of the polytomies. Table S7 shows that all possible resolutions of the polytomies produce comparable results. See also Tables S1 and S6.