Figure 3. GPX2 and Ki67 expression, and prognostic analysis in transurethral resection (TUR) specimens.
(A-F) HE staining (A, B) and representative immunohistochemistry for GPX2 (C, D) and Ki67 (E, F) In TUR specimens. (G, H) Ki67 positivity (G) and P53 positivity (H) in the low (average intensity score < 96.7) and high (average intensity score ≥ 96.7) GPX2 expression groups according to the expression in TUR specimens. *p <0.05, ****p <0.001 (I-K) Comparison of GPX2 expression score (I), Ki67 positivity (J), and P53 positivity (K) in TUR specimens between cases of stage Ta/T1, and T2 or higher. *p <0.05, **p <0.01, ***p <0.001 (L-N) Progression-free survival (L), cancer-specific survival (M), and overall survival (N) in patients between the low (n=83), and high (n=86) GPX2 expression groups. **p<0.01.