Inter- and intragroup comparisons of MwoA patients and healthy subjects. (A) one-sample t test result of intergroup intranetwork causal relationship of MwoA patients. (B) One-sample t test result of intergroup intranetwork causal relationship of healthy subjects. (C) Two-sample t test result of intragroup intranetwork causal relationship of MwoA patients minus healthy subjects. Panels represent visual descriptions of causal connectivity between 2 networks among the 7 resting-state networks, including sensorimotor network (SMN), visual network (VN), default mode network (DMN), executive control network (ECN), salience network (SN), left-frontoparietal network (LFPN), and right-frontoparietal network (RFPN). Arrow directions represent cause and effect. Values on the color bar (corresponding with arrow colors) demonstrate frequency at which causality was found. DMN = default mode network, ECN = executive control network, ICA = independent component analysis, L = left, LFPN = left-frontoparietal network, MwoA = migraine without aura, R = right, RFPN = right-frontoparietal network, SMN = sensorimotor network, SN = salience network, VN = visual network.