Figure 7.
Identification of potential synaptic connections between SING modulatory neurons by splitGFP reconstitution. (A) Reconstituted splitGFP (rsGFP) signal between PAM DANs and glutamatergic MBON-M4/M6. n-syb::spGFP1−10 was expressed in PAM neurons with R58E02-Gal4 and CD4::spGFP11 in MBON-M4/M6 with R14C08-LexA. rsGFP fluorescence localized at the tips of the MB horizontal lobes (γ5 and β2, β'2), as well as in the crepine (CRE) and superior medial protocerebrum (SMP) neuropiles where MBON-M4/M6 send their axonal projections. Panel A1 is a view of the whole brain. Panels 2–4 show different zoomed Z projections of the white box area in A1. (B) rsGFP signal between TH-LexA-targeted DANs and cholinergic MBON-V2 labeled with NP2492-Gal4. rsGFP fluorescence localized in the MB vertical lobes α2, α'3 compartments. Panel B2 is a magnification of the white box in B1. (C) rsGFP signal between MBON-M4/M6 and MBON-V2 labeled with R14C08-LexA and NP2492-Gal4, respectively. Localization of rsGFP fluorescence suggests the existence of axo-axonic synaptic connections between MBON-M4/M6 and MBON-V2 in the SMP. Panel C2 corresponds the white box in C1. Scale bars represent 30 μm.