Figure 1.
Epidemiological distribution of species (circles) and relative percentage of posaconazole resistance (according to EUCAST clinical breakpoints, see Table 2) isolates per country (blue numbers in blue circles) in respect to all investigated isolates. In France, Portugal, Serbia, and Sweden all collected isolates were identified as A. terreus sensu stricto (small dots in magenta). Azole-resistance percentage per countries are given in blue circled numbers. Species distribution in non-EU countries were as follows: India 100% A. terreus s.s.; Israel 84.85% A. terreus s.s. 12.12% A. citrinoterreus 3.03% A. hortai; Texas 80% A. terreus s.s. 10% A. alabamensis 10% A. hortai; Qatar: 83.34% A. terreus s.s. 16.66% A. citrinoterreus; Iran 63.64% A. terreus s.s. 36.36% A. citrinoterreus; and Brazil 85.71% A. terreus s.s., 14.29% A. hortai. All isolates from Iran, Israel, India, Brazil, Texas, and Qatar were susceptible to all azoles tested. For detailed information see Table 4.