Figure 2.
Osthole has the capacity to improve haemodynamics in rats with PAH. Representative Pulse-wave Doppler echocardiographs were selected from healthy-control rats (Control group) (A), the rats with PAH induced by MCT (PAH group) (B) and osthole treated rats with PAH (osthole group) (C). RVHI was calculated according to the formula of RVHI = RV/(LV + S). mPAP (D), PASP (E) and RVHI (F) were significantly increased in the rats with PAH compared with healthy rats, and such increase was markedly restored after osthole treatment. The data represented mean ± S.E.M. (p value < 0.05 was considered as statistically different between two groups (∗ or #), and p value < 0.01 (∗∗ or ##) was regarded as significantly different between two groups; *,**was indicated to compare with control group; #,##was designed to compare with PAH group).