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. 2017 May 8;69(3):191–199. doi: 10.1016/j.ehj.2017.03.001

Table 7.

Multivariable binary logistic regression analysis for prediction of insignificant CAD.

95% CI for Exp (B)
Variable retained in the model B SE Sig. Exp (B) Lower Upper
Age < 55 yr 0.91 0.53 0.083 2.49 0.89 6.98
Female gender 1.85 0.56 0.001 6.39 2.15 18.99
Non-white race 1.00 0.48 0.039 2.71 1.05 6.98
Non-smoker 1.51 0.52 0.004 4.52 1.62 12.64
No hypertension −1.58 0.58 0.006 0.21 0.07 0.64
No dyslipidemia −1.16 0.57 0.041 0.31 0.10 0.96
No family history of CAD −2.35 0.80 0.003 0.10 0.02 0.46
A typical chest pain 2.04 0.68 0.003 7.68 2.01 29.39
Lower CK-MB 3.17 0.62 <0.001 23.77 7.12 79.36
Constant −2.58 1.17 0.027 0.08

Model diagnostics
Hosmer & Lemeshow test p-value, 0.938
Accuracy 86%
Area under the ROC curve (AUC) 0.939 (95% CI, 0.908–0.970;
p-value, <0.0001)
Youden index J 0.74
Associated criterion (probability) >0.66
Sensitivity 82%
Specificity 92%