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. 2018 Apr 3;18:60. doi: 10.1186/s12872-018-0793-5

Table 4.

Results of multivariable regression analysis for predictors of abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA)

Risk factor Odds ratio 95% CI P
History of stroke 0.244 0.088–0.677 0.007
CADa 0.263 0.095-0.728 0.010
Diabetes 1.182 0.787–1.774 0.420
Family history of AAAb 1.3 1.1–1.4 0.015
Hypertension 1.006 0.953–1.062 0.831
Smoking 1.049 1.018–1.081 0.002
Drinking history 1.017 0.985–1.049 0.306
BMI 0.934 0.814–1.072 0.332
SBPc 1.006 0.977–1.035 0.693
DBPd 1.010 0.961–1.062 0.686
FBGe 1.101 0.898–1.350 0.354
Triglyceride 0.969 0.745–1.262 0.818
TCf 1.092 1.025–1.164 0.006
LDLg 0.493 0.251–0.968 0.040
HDLh 1.082 0.592–1.977 0.799
Homocysteine 1.000 0.967–1.034 0.999

acoronary artery disease; babdominal aortic aneurysm; csystolic blood pressure; ddiastolic blood pressure; efasting blood-glucose; fserum total cholesterol; glow density lipoproteins; hhigh density lipoprotein