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. 2017 Nov 6;7(1):9–26. doi: 10.1016/j.imr.2017.10.003

Table 1.

List of Medicinal Plants Used for Treatment of Snakebites in India

Biological source Family Local names Part used Method of administration References
Ajuga bracteosa Wall Ex Benth Lamiaceae Neelkanthi, Nilkanthi, Kanasar Rt Root extract is used as an antidote 29
Ailanthus excels Roxb Simaroubaceae Peeyamaram Lv Decoction of the leaves with the leaves of Aristolochia indica prepared and mixed with goats’ milk to drink for treatment of snakebites 30, 31
Alangium lamarbi Thwaites Alangiaceae Br Bark paste is taken orally 32
Alangium salvifolium (Linnf) Wang Alangiaceae Ankol, Ankula, Alangi, Aankla Wp, R, Lv, St, Br Approximately 15 g of bark ground + 10–12 black peppers mixed with 72 g animal fat given every 2 h to cure snakebite
Root bark decoction is given internally to treat snakebite
33, 34, 35, 36
Albizia lebbeck (Linn) Benth Fabaceae Siris, Kala, Siris, Segta/Siris, Hombage, bhandi Lv, Br, Fl, Wp, R Paste of bark is used 31, 37, 38, 39, 40
Allium cepa Linn Liliaceae Piyaz, Venkayam Bb The paste made from fresh skin of bulb is used for external application (5 d) 38, 41
Allium sativum Linn Liliaceae Lasoon Bb Bulb is made into paste and given orally 41, 42
Alsophila glabra Sensu Bedd Cyatheaceae Rz Unknown 43
Alstonia scholaris (Linn) RBr Apocynaceae Saptparni, Chatni, Satina, Barap lei, Lawthong Lv, Br Bark decoction given orally 44, 45, 46, 47
Alstonia venenata RBr Apocynaceae Analivegham, Elaipalai, Analivegham St, Br, Rt Tablets made from paste of stem bark are taken with cow's urine
Decoction also taken orally
48, 49
Alternanthera sessilis (Linn) R Brown ex DC Amaranthaceae KandiliJari St, Lv External application of stem and leaf paste is used 50, 51, 52
Amaranthus blitum Linn Amaranthaceae Chaulai Rt Root powder is used 39
Amaranthus spinosus Linn Amaranthaceae Kateli, Mullikeerai, Kateli, Chaurai, Kanta-bhaji, Kateli-chaulai R, Lv Wp Paste of leaves is applied locally 39, 53, 54, 55, 56
Amaranthus viridis Linn Amaranthaceae Khutora, Chaulai Lv, St Leaf/stem paste is applied externally 53
Ammannia baccifera Linn Lythraceae Neerumulli Wp Whole plant powder mixed with hot cow's milk to drink 57
Amomum aromaticum Roxb Zingiberaceae Borelachi, Chakma, Bodaelachi Sd Seed paste is used 58
Amomum subulatum Roxb Zingiberaceae Bara elachi Pd Boil 2–3 pods and drink the extract twice daily for a week 58
Amorphophallus campanulatus Blume: ex DC Araceae Bhabdi Tb The tubers are crushed and applied externally 59
Amorphophallus commutatus (Schott) Engler Araceae Tb Unknown 60
Andrographis alata Nees Acanthaceae Periyanangai Lv A handful of fresh leaves or juice is taken orally 61
Andrographis echioides Nees Acanthaceae Nadnaur, Gusum puru, Gopuranthangi Wp Paste of whole plant is given orally with water
It is also applied externally
Andrographis lineate Wallich ex Acanthaceae Siriyanangai, Periyanangai, Malaiveempu Wp, Lv Paste of leaves is applied externally
About 3 grams of whole plant paste is directly administered orally
63, 64, 65
Andrographis paniculata (Burm f) Wall Ex Nees Acantheceae Kalmegh, Bhumi neem, Neelaveppu, Nilavaembu, Chirianangai, Sirianangai, Periyanangai Lv, Lv, Wp A decoction of the leaves with the leaves of Andrographis alata is given
Decoction or extract is applied externally
30, 63, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74
Anisomeles indica (Linn) Kuntze Lamiaceae Paeimiratti Lv Paste of leaf is taken 75
Anisomeles malabarica (Linn) RBr Lamiaceae Siriyapaeyamarati, Peymarutti Lv The leaf or juice mixed with water to drink 75
Annona squamosa Linn Annonaceae Seethaphala St, Br, Lv Unknown 57, 76
Anogeissus acuminata Wall Combretaceae Dhavra Pl Poultice is applied 77
Anthocephalus cadamba Miq Rubiaceae Kadam Wp Unknown 39
Antidesma bunius (Linn) Spreng Phyllanthaceae Tuaitit Lv Unknown 78
Arachne cordifolia (Decne) Hurusawa Euphorbiaceae Lv, St Unknown 79
Ardisia humilis Vahl Myrsinaceae Kumbreth Br Crushed paste is applied 80
Argemone Mexicana Linn Papaveraceae Sialkatahi, Datturi, Pilikateli, Bharbhand, Brahmathandu Lv, Sd, Rt Leaf/seed decoction given orally (7 d)
Root paste is also used
53, 81, 82
Ariesaema barnesii C Fischer Araceae Kaattuchenai Tb Dried tuber of this plant and whole plant paste of Andrographis paniculata (1:1) applied over wounds twice a day 69
Arisaema flavum (Forsskal) Schott Araceae Sapp googli Tb The tubers are crushed and a paste is made that is applied 83
Arisaema jacquemontii Blume Araceae Khaprya Fr, Rz Unknown 79, 80
Arisaema leschenaultii Bl ume Araceae Havina jola Rt, Lv, Fr Fruit/leaf and root paste is applied on the spot of snakebite thrice a day for about 8 d. 81
Arisaema tortuosum (Wall) Schott Araceae Haap roodakaro, Halida, Kotukand, Chambus, Chakrata Tb, Bb Paste of the tuber in applied.
Infusion of fresh bulb is taken orally thrice daily
60, 84, 85
Aristolochia bracteolate Lamk Aristolochiaceae Kalipad, Aduthinnapalai Lv, Rt Leaf paste applied externally, as well as infusion taken orally 60, 75, 85, 86
Aristolochia indica Linn Aristolochiaceae Sapasan, Garalika, Garudi, Nagbel, Arkamul, Birthwort, Ishwarmul, Bhedi-Janete, Karalakam, Kaliparh, Kaligulesar, Eashwari, Eshwarballi, Perumarindu, Karuda kodi, Garudakodi, Thalaisuruli Rt, Wp Fresh roots are ground along with Rouwalfia serpentina mixed in water taken twice daily (3 d)
Root powder is snuffed
Root juice is given orally and root paste applied locally
3, 34, 54, 61, 62, 71, 75, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97
Aristolochia tagala Cham Aristolochiaceae Samta, Valiya, Eswaramulli, Perumarunt, Hukodi Rt Crushed and mixed with water and drunk, as well as fresh roots ground and applied externally on affected area 80, 98
Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam Moraceae Kanthal Pn Drink 1 cup juice thrice daily 94
Artocarpus hirsutus Lam Moraceae Br Bark paste made with coconut oil and applied 99
Artocarpus integrifolia Artocarpaceae Kothal, Theibong Fr Unknown 78
Asparagus racemosus Willd Liliaceae Halavu, Makkala, Beru, Satvari Rt Paste of the fasciculate root is applied externally 3, 100
Asystasia gangetica Linn Acanthaceae Silandhinaayagam Lv Leaf paste is given 90
Azadirachta indica A Juss Meliaceae Vembu, Veempu, Neem Fl, Br, Lv, Fr Decoction/paste is prepared and given orally (7 d) 38, 54, 59, 101
Bacopa monnieri (Linn) Pennell Scrophulariaceae Brahmisak, Nirbirami, Neeripirami, Brahmi Br, Lv, Wp Juice mixed with castor oil is applied externally to treat
Leaf powder decoction mixed with hot cow's milk taken orally
3, 86
Barleria cristata Linn Acanthaceae Kali, Brenkad Lv, R, Sd Leaf juice is applied 50
Barleria prionitis Linn Acanthaceae Kattukanagambaram Rt Decoction taken orally 49
Boerhaavia diffusa Linn Nyctaginaceae Punarnawa, Dabbal bhaji, Chotwa bhaji, Patharchatta, Biskhapara, Ittsitt Lv, Wp Leaf juice is also applied locally and taken orally for 7 d 39, 50
Boerhavia repens Linn Nyctaginaceae Ponownowa Rt Unknown
Bombax ceiba Linn Bombaceae Ilavu, Kate savar, Semal, Simul, Semar, Phunchawng, Simbal, Pikriisii Fls, RBr, Sd Paste of flowers/fruits/leaves is applied on the bitten spot 39, 80
Bryophyllum pinnatum Kuntz Crassulaceae Dupartenga Lv Unknown 53
Buchanania lanzan Spr Anacardiaceae Char, Chironji, Achar, Chironji, Chirongi, Pial Br Unknown 37
Butea monosperma (Lamk) Taub Fabaceae Palash, Dhak, Parsa, Plash Br, Lv, Fl, Gu, Sd, St, Br, Re, Lx Bark paste applied on swelling
Paste of one seed in 10 mL lemon juice is given orally
Caesalpinia bonduc (Linn) Roxb Caesalpiniaceae Poonainagam, Karanj Sd Seeds paste applied externally (2 weeks) 39, 95
Calotropis gigantea (L) R Br Asclepiadaceae Dev rui, Aak, Ekke, Akanda, Erukku, Aakdo, Safedaakdo, Gadsa, Akanda, Erukku R, Lx Root bark is ground into paste and made into pills and given orally
Leaf latex is applied externally
43, 76, 77, 90
Calotropis procera (Ait) R Br Asclepiadaceae Rui, Rai, Aakori: Aakra, Biliekke, Ekka (Safed Ak), Rakta arka, Vellerukku, Akra, Aak, Madar, Safed, Madar, Gadsa, Akwan Lx, Rt, Young, Bd Leaf latex is applied on bitten area
Root is crushed and given to drink and applied externally
75, 99
Cannabis sativa Linn Cannabaceae Bhang Lv Leaf paste is used 38
Capparis decidua (Forssk) Edgew Capparaceae Kareel, Karerua Fr, Sd Fruits are eaten 39, 92
Capsicum annum Linn Solanaceae Marchiya Rt Unknown 41
Cardiospermum luridium Linn Sapindaceae Moddacoatan Wp The whole plant powder mixed with goat's milk to drink 75
Carica papaya Linn Caricaceae Papita, Amrurbhanda, Papita Fr, Sd, Lx Unripened fruit of Carica papaya is taken and the skin is removed by slicing, salt is then rubbed over it, and the fruit is then placed over the bite with sliced portions in contact with the bite and bandaged
Few drops of latex are applied to snakebite wound for quick healing
Cassia alata Linn Caesalpiniaceae Senna, Khor-pat daopata, Seemaiyagathi Lv Paste of leaves is applied externally, as well as given orally 78
Cassia fistula Linn Caesalpiniaceae Amaltash, Dhanba, Amaltas, Sonarkhi, Kakke Fr, Sd, Lv, St, R, Br The paste & decoction of root bark with black pepper is given orally
Paste of stem bark applied on bitten place
Fruit pulp is used
37, 38, 39, 62
Cassia occidentalis Linn Caesalpiniaceae Kasaundi, Kasondi, Peeperambi, Thagarai Rt, Lv Oral administration of root paste 38, 39, 67
Cassia sophera Linn Caesalpiniaceae Sularai Rt Unknown 86
Cassia tora Linn Caesalpiniaceae Takala, Sickle, senna, Chakawad, Chakunda, Tagarai, Bon medelwa Rt, Lv Root paste & leaf decoction is applied externally (30 d) 39, 53
Catharanthus roseus G Don Apocynaceae Nithya pushpa Rt Root paste mixed with pepper and lime is applied externally 81
Cayratia trifolia (Linn) Domin Vitaceae Khhata nimbi Tb Paste of tuber applied on the affected area 84
Centratherum anthelminticum (L) Kuntze Asteraceae Kattujeerakam Sd Unknown 66
Cheilocostus speciosus (JKeonig) CDSpecht Costaceae Keu, Chengalva kostu Rz Unknown 95
Chlorophytum laxum R Br Liliaceae Neerootikizangu Tb Tuber paste applied on affected area 89
Cissampelos pareira Linn Menispermaceae Patha, Patindu, Batindu, Patha, Urikkakodi, Chokipar, Tijumala, Ekladi Poa Tb, Rt Root paste with long pepper is prescribed once daily for 5 d 92, 93, 96
Citrullus colocynthis (Linn) Schrad Cucurbitaceae Kadva inravarna, Tumba, Gadumba, Tumbo, Indrayan Sd, Rt, Fr Seed oil used externally, as well as root crushed and given to drink 33, 38
Clematis triloba Linn Ranunculaceae Badarsiti, Jangali, Bhoda, Bendar, Siti Rt Root paste is applied 77
Cleome gynandra Linn Cleomaceae Hul-hul Lv, Wp Unknown 39
Cleome viscose Linn Capparidaceae Nayivelai Lv Leaf paste applied externally 30
Clerodendron inerme Gaertn Verbenaceae Vishaparihari Rt Root paste mixed with lime is applied twice daily for a week 81
Clitoria ternatea Linn Fabaceae Ruhu tuhu, Aparajita, Syahiful, Aparajita, Gokarni, Aparajita, Bili, Shankhapushpa R The root extract is taken with the root of Aristolochia indica and Rauwolfia serpentine 39, 87
Cocculus villosus DC Menispermaceae Nagdun, Vachan karalla Rt The root bark extract is given internally and applied 3, 38
Commelina bengalensis Linn Commelinaceae Kana simolu R Roots are useful 53
Corallocarpus epigaeus (Rottl & Willd) Hook f Cucurbitaceae Aathalai, Marsikand, Kollan, Kova killangu Rt, Tb Root decoction given internally 3–7 times 64, 68, 97
Costus speciosus (Koen) Sm Costaceae Keon, Kanda, Kebuk, Mahalakri, Jamlakhuti, Pewa, Jamlakhuti, Khongbam, Takhelei, Sumbul, Jomalkhuti, Myonpobap Rt, Rz Rhizome and root paste is used internally & externally 58, 60, 80, 87
Crateva magna (Lour) DC Capparaceae Jong-sia Br Chewed and applied on bitten area 80
Curculigo orchioide Gaertn Amaryllidaceae Nilapanai, Nela tengu, Kali musli Rt, Tb Root paste use topicaly 39, 80, 81
Curcuma amada Roxb Zingiberaceae Amba haldi Rz The powder of the rhizome is applied locally 84
Curcuma aromatica Salisb Zingiberaceae Bon haladhi, Lam-yaingang Rz Paste of rhizome taken with water 58
Curcuma caesia Roxb Zingiberaceae Kalahalud, Kalahaldi krushna kedara, Neelkanth Rz The dried rhizome powder is mixed with powdered seeds of Andrographis paniculata and applied 34, 58
Cyathula tomentosa Roth Amaranthaceae Lv Unknown 79
Cyphostemma auriculatum (Roxb) Singh & Shetty Vitaceae Kali-vel Br Bark is taken in some water and taken once a day (7–8 d) 96
Daemia extensa RBr Asclepiadaceae Vaelipparuththi Rt Powder of root is given 90
Datura metel Linn Solanaceae Kala Dhatura, Dhutura Sd, Rt, Lv Extract of roots are taken with garlic 39, 70, 80, 81
Delphinium denudatum Wall ex Hook f & Thomson Ranunculaceae Nirbishi Rt Unkown 41
Desmodium gangeticum (Linn) DC Fabaceae Kareti, Salparni R Half-cup root decoction is taken orally 39, 60
Dichrostachys cinerea Linn Wight & Arn Araceae Vedathalai, Kheri Lv, Rt Root powder is used
Leaves are crushed into paste and applied locally
Dicliptera paniculata (Forssk) IDarbysh Acanthaceae Chebeera Wp Unknown 95
Dioscorea pentaphylla Linn Dioscoreaceae Lalvala vahrikand Tb Extract is also given 60
Dregea volubilis (Lf) BenthEx Hookf Apocynaceae Dudipala, Bandi gurija Lv Unknown 95, 96
Drymaria cordata (L) Willd Ex Roem & Schult Caryophyllaceae Mecanachil, Theiphelwang, Kynbat thalap Wp Whole plant is used (crushed paste applied) 80
Dryopteris cochleata CChr Aspidiaceae Chhoti Bhulan Wp, Lv, R The whole plant crushed in a bowl and the extract is given orally twice a day
The leaves and roots are applied on the bite wound
Eclipta alba (Linn) Hassk Asteraceae Manchal karisalankanni, Bhringraj, Maka Wp Whole plant juice is given orally (30 d) 38
Elaeodendron glaucum Pers Celastraceae Ratangaur, Bhairao, Niuri Mamri, Jamrasi Mukarthi (Bhutphal) Br, Rt Roots and bark of plant made into paste taken orally with cow's milk 62
Elettaria cardamomum Maton Zingiberaceae Elassi Sd, Pd Decoction 58
Eleusine indica (L) Gaertn Poaceae Malkantari-Mundari Rt 20 g root is crushed along with 10 g Zingiber officinale and nine black pepper pieces; paste is divided into two equal parts One part with a few drops of honey is administered orally and the other part is applied on the snake bitten area 92
Enicostemma axillare (Lam) A Raynal Gentianaceae Vellarugu Rt 5–10 drops of root extract is poured in the spot 91
Ervatamia coronaria Stapf Apocynaceae Rt, Br Root and bark infusion mixed with milk and butter, filtered, and used 99
Ervatamia heyneana Cooke Apocynaceae Kadunandibattalu Rt Root paste mixed with lemon juice & applied 81
Euphorbia neriifolia Linn Euphorbiaceae Mausa sij, Dudhbol, Thor, Thundar, Manasa Lx, Rt Latex is applied locally
Root is used with black pepper
54, 80
Ficus benghalensis Linn Moraceae Badd, Bar, Bargad Lx, Ap, Rt, Fr Unknown 38
Ficus glomerata Roxb Moraceae Medi St, Br The stem bark paste is applied 31
Ficus hirta Vahl Moraceae Tamangaddu Rt Root crushed & rubbed 47
Ficus racemosa Linn Moraceae Gular Br The stem bark is pounded with whey and applied locally 54
Ficus religiosa Linn Moraceae Peepal Lv, Br, Fr 25 g stem bark and 8–10 cloves are pounded with animal fat (pure ghee) and given 4–6 times a day 35, 37, 59
Ficus tinctoria Forstf Moraceae Tella barnika Lv Unknown 31
Fimbristylis spathacea Roth Cyperaceae Hathia Rt The fresh root is taken internally & externally 87
Gloriosa superb Linn Liliaceae Vadhavadiyo, Vach, Nag, Nagardi, Gowri, Huvu, Kalihari, Kalihari, Karianaga, Agnishikha, Kariyari, Kalappa, Kilangu Tb, Rt, Rz, Sd Root paste or tuber paste is applied externally (2–5 d) 38, 39, 81, 82
Habenaria commelinifolia Wall Orchidaceae Ankra Tb The tuber paste is applied 59
Hedychium spicatum SM Zingiberaceae Aithur, Takhellei-hanggam-mapan Rz, Rt Root decoction is used 58
Helicteres isora Linn Sterculiaceae Hateri, Murud sheng, Maror Phali Br, Rt Bark power is given in snakebite 39, 57
Heliotropium indicum Linn Boraginaceae Nakkipoo Lv The leaf juice mixed with hot water is used 75
Heliotropium marifolium Koen ex Retz Boraginaceae Choti-santri Wp Unknown 82
Heliotropium supinum Linn Boraginaceae Goma Ap Pounded aerial portions are applied externally and its juice is given orally in a dose of 5 mL at frequent intervals 35
Hemidesmus indicus (Linn) R Br Asclepiadaceae Suganti Jad, Anantmul, Choti dudhia, Anantamul, Analsing, Nannari, Anantamul Rt, Lv Aqueous extract of root is prepared in water and given orally & root paste is applied two or three times a day 92, 93
Heteropogon contortus (Linn) P Beauv Poaceae Lapia, Lapida, Soorwala Rt Root paste is taken orally Poultice of root paste is also applied on the bitten portion for early cure 60
Holarrhena pubescens (Buch-Ham)Wall ex GDon Apocynaceae Pandhara Kula, Bolmatra Sd, Rt, St, Br Paste is applied on the bitten area two times a day 80
Hordeum vulgare Linn Poaceae Jau, Jav Gr Unknown 54
Hyptis suaveolens (Linn) Poit Lamiaceae Ban Tulsi R Unkown 39
Impatiens glandulifera Royle Balsaminaceae Hillu Fls Unknown 83
Ipomoea obscura (L) Ker Gawler Convolvulaceae Siruthaalikkodi Lv Leaf juice is administered 91
Jatropha gossipifolia Linn Euphorbiaceae Kattamanakku Lv, St, Br, Sd, Lx Unkown 55
Kyllinga monocephala Rottb Cyperaceae Safad, Nirbashi Un Unknown 38
Lantana camara Linn Verbenaceae Ragadd, Gajukampa, Arippu R, Fl, St, Lv, Wp Decoction of roots, flower, and stem are used 75
Leucas aspera Spreng Lamiaceae Durum bon, Gumma, Bhodaki, Tumbe, Thumbai, Gadde tumbe, Thumbi, Thumbai, Kennathumbai Wp, Lv, Rt Leaf paste or crushed leaf is taken both externally & internally to treat
The root juice is mixed with goat's milk three times a day (4 d)
73, 75, 81, 90, 99, 100
Leucas cephalotes (Roth) Spreng Lamiaceae Goma, Gumbi, Gumma Wp Decoction of whole plant (twice a day for 6 d) 38, 39
Lindenbergia muraria (Roxb) Brühl Scrophulariaceae Chatti Wp Paste of leaf is applied externally 82
Lobelia nicotianaefolia Heyne Campanulaceae Heddumbe, Kadu hogesoppu Lv, Lx Latex is applied externally 81, 100
Luffa acutangula (Linn) Roxb Cucurbitaceae Torai, Peerkan, Jangli Torai Fr, Tn, Sd Tendrils & seed paste is used 39, 90
Malva sylvestris Linn Malvaceae Bendi gida Lv Extract of leaf mixed with lime juice given 99
Martynia annua Linn Martyniaceae Bagnakha Rt Decoction 67
Mimosa pudica Linn Mimosaceae Lajwanti, Thotta, Sinungi, Uskadpoda, Chhuimui/Lajwanti, Thottal surungi, Thottalvadi, Thottasiniki Rt, Lv, Wp Whole plants are made into extract in drinking water and shaken well and filtered Extract of whole plant is given twice a day for one day only
Leaves are ground and made into paste and applied over affected area
31, 39, 47, 90
Mirabilis jalapa Linn Nyctaginaceae Jahai juhi Tb The solution of tuber paste is given orally 62
Mitragyna parvifolia (Roxb) Korth Rubiaceae Neer-kadamba, Kadamba Br, Fr Unknown 57
Momordica charantia Linn Cucurbitaceae Karela, Pakakai Wp, Sh, Rt Juice of tender shoot or root is applied 42
Momordica dioica Roxb Ex Willd Cucurbitaceae Kakoda, Kankoda, Madi hagala kayi Rt Root tuber pounded with lime is applied externally on bitten spot daily thrice for 7 d 81, 82
Moringa oleifera Lam Moringaceae Sajina, Nugge, Sahigan, Mungna, Sainjna, Sahjan, Sainjnad, Murungaih Rt, Sd, Wp, St, Br, Lv Fresh extract of bark is taken orally
Bark root tincture apllied externally (3 d)
3, 54
Mucuna pruriens (Linn) DC Fabaceae Kevach, Konch Sd, Fr, Rt Aqueous extract of root is given orally twice a day 39
Musa paradisiaca Linn Musaceae Vazhai, Valaimaram, Valai Br, St, skin, Br A plant extract is given orally 30, 68
Nerium indicum Mill Gard Apocynaceae Kaner, Kaner/Kanail, Lal kanher Lv, Br Rt The root is crushed with roots of Capparis sepiaria and Datura innoxia and paste applied externally thrice for 5 d 39, 54
Nymphoides hydrophylla O Kuntze Menyanthaceae Lv Leaf paste is used 52
Ochna obtusata DC Ochnaceae Rt Powder of root drunk with hot water frequently 80
Ocimum adscendens Wild Lamiaceae Heddumbe Rt Unknown 99
Ocimum basilicum Linn Lamiaceae Naitulasi, Kali Tulsi Wp Whole plant decoction orally given (week) 39
Ocimum sanctum Linn Lamiaceae Barpai, Tulasi Lv, Rt, Wp A paste of Ocimum leaf with the rhizome of Curcuma longa L (Zingiberaceae) is applied externally
Leaf juice oral (8 d)
3, 38, 51
Ophiorrhiza mungos Linn Rubiaceae Havina gedde, Pambupoo, Keeripundu Rt Root juice is given (twice a day for 6 d 61, 98
Opuntia dillenii (Ker-Gawl) Haw Cactaceae Sappathikali St, Br, Fr, Wp The fruit paste is applied 75
Ottelia alismoides (L) Pers Verbenaceae Lv Unknown 57
Oxalis debilis HBK var corymbosa (DC) Lour O martiana Zucc Oxalidaceae Khatti Booti Wp Unknown 39
Pandanus nepalensis St John Pandanaceae Lv Unknown 42
Parnassia nubicola Wall ex Royle Parnassiaceae Tbs, Rt Unknown 79
Pavetta indica Linn Rubiaceae Therani Lv A leaf paste is used externally 68
Pergularia daemia (Forrsk)Chiov Apocynaceae Veliparuthi Rt, Lv The decoction of the leaves is used 30, 75, 95
Peucedanum anamallayense Cl Apiaceae Padachurukki Wp Whole plant paste along with cow's urine is taken 48
Phyllanthus acidus (Linn) Skeels Euphorbiaceae Kawlsunhlu Rt Decoction of roots is given 78
Piper nigrum Linn Piperaceae Bolkaalu, Menasina kaalu, Maricha, Kali-mirch, Milagu Fl, Sd, Fr Seed powder mixed with butter is given orally against snakebite
Flower paste with ghee given orally (4 d)
3, 54
Pistia stratiotes Linn Araceae Jalkumbhi Sd Decoction of seeds is given 67
Pittosporum tetraspermum Wight & Arn Pittosporaceae Analivegam St, Br Paste of stem bark is taken with cow's urine 48, 66
Plantago erosa Wall Plantaginaceae Chhakur-blang Lv Poultice of the leaves is given 80
Platanthera susannae Lindl Orchidaceae Nela site huvu Rt In combination with lime and salt, the paste of root tubers is applied on the affected area 81
Pouzolzia indica Gaud Urticaceae Dudhmor Wp Unknown 53
Prosopis cineraria Druce Fabaceae Khejdi, Vanni maram Br Paste of bark tied on the affected area 71
Quercus leucotrichophora A Camus Fagaceae Banj Sd Unknown 41
Randia dumetorum (Retz) Poiret Linn Rubiaceae Kaare Rt Paste with water
The root of this plant and leaves of Acacia suma (Mimosaceae) are pounded with salt and applied externally
Rauvolfia serpentina (Linn) Benth ex Kurz Apocynaceae Nagbel, Bhuin karuan, Patal-garuda, Bhuikurma, Sarpagandha, Keramaddinagaddi, Sutranabhi, Sarpagandha lairusich, Sarpagandha Lv, Rt Leave juice used as antidote
Roots and leaf buds crushed with milk to make into paste used both internally and externally on affected area
34, 39, 43, 62, 76, 99
Rhinacanthus nasutus (L) Kurz Acanthaceae Nagamalli Lv Fresh leaves are taken orally, as well as the paste of the leaf applied externally 49, 61
Rivea hypocrateriformis (Desr) Choisy Convolvulaceae Parh Wp, Rt The plant juice/paste is orally taken 95, 96
Rubus niveus Thunb Rosaceae Fr Unknown 79
Ruta graveolense Linn Rutaceae Nagadali Rt Root paste is used 99
Sanseveria roxbhurgiana Schultes F Agavaceae Saganaara, Gaju kura Rt Tuberous root paste is applied on the area of snakebite 97
Saraca asoca (Roxb) De Wilde Ceasalpiniaceae Ashok, Asoka Sd Unknown 40
Sauromatum venosum (Ait) Kunth Araceae Halida, Samp ki dawa Tb The paste of tuber is applied on the affected area 33, 84
Saussurea costus (Falc) Lipsch Asteraceae Kuth Rt Unknown 41
Sesamum indicum Linn Pedaliaceae Til Sd Seeds are mixed with butter, ginger powder, and oil and given orally 54
Sida acuta Burm Malvaceae Wp The whole plant extract is given internally and applied externally 3
Sida caprinifolia Linn Malvaceae Arivaal mania poondu Lv Leaf paste is used 90
Sida cordifolia Linn Malvaceae Kungyi Wp Unknown 82
Solanum nigrum Linn Solanaceae Makoi Rt Paste of dried root is applied 54
Solanum xanthocarpum Schard & Wendl Solanceae Bhui ringani, Bhat kataiyan, Choti kateli Lv, Rt Fresh leaf extract (paste or decoction) of this species is given 101
Soymida febrifuga A Juss Meliaceae Rohina St, Br, Br, Rt Fresh bark of this plant together with root of Holarrhena pubescens (1:1) are made into paste and mixed with drinking water given orally three times a day for 3 d 31
Sterculia urens Roxb Sterculiaceae Karaya Br Unknown 60
Strychnos nux-vomica Linn Loganiaceae Kajara, Kaasarka, Kanjiram, Vishamushti, Etti, Visakkotai, Yeti Rt, Sd Root bark juice in cow's milk is externally rubbed 3–4 times a day to treat
The seed powder is also used
Strychnos potatorum Linn Leguminoceae Thethamkottai Sd Seed powder given orally 49
Tabernaemontana coronaria RBr Apocynaceae Nandibattalu huvu Rt The crushed root mixed with salt and turmeric is applied 81
Tabernaemontana divaricata (Linn) RBr Apocynaceae Nanjatte, Maddarasa, Kathona, Amli, Tengtere, Tetul Rt, Lv Sd The extract of the seed is given, as well as crushed paste applied on bitten area 80
Tamarindus indica Linn Caesalpiniaceae Puli Sd, Rt Unknown 51, 55
Tectona grandis Linn Verbenaceae Sagwan Lv, Br Unknown 44
Terminalia arjuna (DC) Wight & Arn Combertaceae Arjun, Marutham, Vellamarthu Br Bark paste applied externally (5 d) 45
Thottea siliquosa (lamk) Ding Hou Aristolochiaceae Kuttalvayana, Padamchurukkialpam, Kuttilavayana Rt, Lv Roots and leaves decoction are given orally 66, 89
Tiliacora acuminata (Lamk) Miers Menispermaceae Kappa teega Lv Leaf paste is applied on the affected area 31
Trewia nudiflora Linn Euphorbiaceae Panigambhar Br Pounded bark is taken internally 88
Trichisanthes cucumerina Linn Cucurbitaceae Nagfani beldi Tb Powder of tuber is applied locally 84
Tridax procumbens Linn Asteraceae Munya arxa, Dagad Ful Lv The leaves are crushed and the juice is dripped on the wound of snakebite
Juice is taken orally after its dilution with some quanty of water
62, 76
Tylophora indica (Burm f) Merr Asclepiadaceae Nangilai, Asthamakodi Lv, Rt Paste of leaf and root is mixed with equal amount of root paste of Rauvolfia serpentina and applied externally on the spot, as well as leaf juice alone taken internally 31, 63, 65
Urginea indica (Roxb) Kunth Liliaceae Koliknada Cm Half of the corm is ground with some quantity of black pepper seeds & animal fat (pure ghee) and given in three doses within a day 35
Ventilago maderaspatana Gaertn Rhamnaceae Rakta pichula Br The infusion of bark is given orally 43
Vitex negundo Linn Verbenaceae Nukki, Lakkigida, Karinochi notchi, Nishindi, Shet nishinda Br, Rt, Lv, Sd Leaf paste applied over the bitten area (5 d), as well as root extract is given with warm water 81
Vitex penduncularis Wall Verbenaceae Charaigorh Br Decoction of the bark is given orally at 30 min intervals 62, 88
Zingiber rubens Roxb Zingiberaceae Pauphok Lv The leaves are torn into thin strips and rope is made that is used to tie up parts of snakebite to prevent flow of venom in blood 45

Abbreviations used – Ap, arial portion; Bb, bulb; Bd, bud; Br, bark; Cm, corm; Fl, flower; Fr, fruit; Gr, grain; Gu, gum; Lv, leaves; Lx, latex; Pd, pods; Pl, poultice; Pn, penduncle; Re, resin; Rt, root; Rz, rhizomes; Sd, seeds; Sh, shoot; St, stem; Tb, tuber; Tn, tendril; Un, unknown; Wp, whole plant; d, day(s); h, hour(s).