The probability of release at single granule cell to PC synapses is unaltered in Syt7 KO animals. Cell-attached recordings were used to stimulate single grCs and PC responses were measured. A, Experimental configuration. A single grC was stimulated in cell-attached mode and whole-cell responses were recorded in PCs at least 150 μm away in the transverse plane. B, Synaptic currents evoked by a voltage step to a grC cell body (top) were recorded in PCs. Averaged synaptic responses of failed and successful release events for wild-type (left) and Syt7 KOs (right). Voltage steps applied to grCs generated a small stimulus artifact preceding synaptic currents. C, Histogram of response amplitudes for pairs shown in B. PR was calculated as the fraction successes. D, Averaged synaptic currents evoked by two stimuli (20 ms) for cells from wild-type and Syt7 KO animals shown in B and C. E, Example of averaged synaptic currents at grC to PC pairs that had high initial PR. F, All grC to PC pairs plotted by PPR versus PR for wild-types (left; n = 19) and Syt7 KOs (right; n = 17) with linear fits. Filled markers indicate cells shown in B–D. G, Cumulative histograms of PR (left) and PPR (right) for all paired recordings, two-sample K-S test, **p < 0.01.