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. 2018 Apr 4;13(4):e0194788. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0194788

Table 1. Characteristics of interviewed myeloma patients (n = 20), health changes/symptoms and pathway to diagnosis.

Patient ID Sex Age (Yrs) Health changes/symptoms reported prior to myeloma diagnosis Healthcare professionals consulted1 and secondary care referrer (R)2 Referral specialities consulted prior to diagnosis1,3 Primary care consultations with myeloma symptoms1 Estimated duration of intervals (months) Patient perceived delay
Appraisal & help-seeking Diagnostic
P01 M 67 Under-performance4, trouble breathing, pain (shoulder blades), tiredness. GP
Practice nurse (R1)
R1-Respiratory medicine5
• Haematology
6 1 2.5 Yes
P02* M 63 Heartburn/indigestion, pain (chest, armpits, arms), under-performance, tiredness, poor sleep (due to pain), visible lump (sternum), pale. GP (R1) R1-Rheumatology
• Haematology
• Oncology
3 2.5 7 Yes
P03 M 71 Irritable/restless knee (post-replacement), under-performance, pain (back, ribs–later identified as fractures), cramp, abnormal blood test (blood ‘a bit thick’). GP (R1)
Physiotherapist (x 2 –one new; one ongoing due to knee replacement–x-ray normal)
R1-Haematology 6 1 17 Yes
P04 F 78 Consulted regarding discomfort associated with existing condition (hernia). Abnormal blood test (‘rather anaemic’), tiredness, under-performance, shivers. GP (R1 & R2) R1-Gastroenterology (endoscopy and colonoscopy)
3 n/a (existing condition) 5 Yes
P05 F 55 Tiredness, pain (chest, ribs, back), nosebleeds, infection (persistent sore throat), abnormal blood test (‘severely anaemic… immune system shot to bits’). GP (R1)
Locum GP (requested bloods/x-ray)
R1-ENT (GP approves patient’s decision not to attend due to improvement)
2-Haematology (hospital re-called patient–abnormal blood test)
4 1 4 No
P06 F 71 Nausea, sickness (eventually intolerant of sips of water), oral thrush, couldn’t eat, weight loss, abnormal blood test (‘severely dehydrated’). Chemist
GP (R1)
R1-Gastroenterology (endoscopy)
• Acute medical unit (emergency admission due to blood test result)
• Renal medicine
• Haematology
2 1 1.5 No
P07 F 56 Recurrent mouth ulcers, abnormal blood test (‘folic acid deficiency’), under-performance, breathless, dizzy, palpitations, ‘run-down’, abnormal blood test (‘everything below range’), abnormal urine test (‘Bence Jones positive’). GP
Nurse practitioner (R1)
R1-Haematology (urgent) 5 3 8 Yes
P08 M 68 ‘Flu’ symptoms (diagnosed as pneumonia); abnormal blood test (unknown what). GP (R1) R1-Acute medical unit (emergency admission via GP)
• High dependency unit
• Haematology (patient called in–abnormal bloods)
1 1 3 No
P09 M 70 (Consulted for groin pain/swelling–hernia), abnormal blood test (‘paraprotein spike’). GP (R1)
Practice nurse
R1-Haematology 2 1 2 No
P10 M 74 Breathlessness, tiredness, under-performance, swollen legs, abnormal blood test (‘kidneys shutting down’, other abnormality–unknown what). GP (R1) R1-Acute medical unit (emergency admission via GP)
• Haematology
2 2 0.5 No
P11 M 59 (Consulted for PSA test), frothy urine, pain (rib–later identified as fractured). GP (R1, R2 & R3) R1-Urology (biopsy, in relation to results of PSA tests)
R2-Renal medicine (cancelled by hospital—‘clinical decision’)
R3-Renal medicine
• Haematology
5 3 15 Yes
P12* M 43 Altered sensations (head/ear), enlarging lumps (head, under hair), stiffness and pain (neck), tiredness, lethargy, apathy, ‘run-down’, headaches; unable to open mouth/eat, under-performance. GP (R1)
R1-General surgery5
• Haematology
3 8 Yes
P13 M 71 Pain (ribs), breathlessness, under-performance. GP (R1) R1-Oncology (Cancer of Unknown Primary)
• Haematology
3 1 7 Yes
P14 F 59 Pain (back–later identified as ‘vertebral collapses’), ‘malaise’, ‘unwell’, height loss, nausea, pins and needles (feet), infections, loss of appetite, weight loss; abnormal blood test (unknown what–‘positive markers’). Self-referral to A&E6 (R1)
NHS Helpline to A&E (R2)
GP (R3 & R4)
R1-A&E (via self-referral)
R2-A&E (via NHS helpline)
• Medical assessment unit
R3-Acute medical unit (emergency admission via GP)
R4-Endocrinology (P)
• Haematology
10 1 8 Yes
P15 M 58 Pain (back), impaired posture, reduced mobility, sleepiness; abnormal blood test (unknown what). GP (R1)
R1-Haematology (‘straight away’) ‘Loads of times 1 17 Yes
P16 M 66 Infections, pain (ribs, chest), under-performance, abnormal blood test and scan (unknown what). GP (R1)
R1-Oncology (urgent)
• Haematology
6 3 15 Yes
P17 M 70 Feeling ‘off’, pain (back–later identified as fracture), reduced mobility, nausea, vomiting, abnormal blood test (‘anaemia’, ‘renal failure’). Self-referral to A&E (R1)
GP (R2 & R3)
R1-A&E (via self-referral)
R2-Musculoskeletal clinic
R3-Haematology (urgent, then emergency admission)
5 0.5 2 No
P18 M 71 Weight loss, abnormal blood test (‘anaemia’), infection (viral–‘flu’), pain (back), height loss, abnormal blood test (‘paraprotein’). GP (R1 & R2)
R1-Colorectal surgeon (endoscopy and colonoscopy)
R2-Haematology (urgent)
2 1 11 Yes
P19 M 62 Pain (back–later diagnosed as acute fractures), bloating, abnormal blood test (‘protein’), under-performance. GP (R1)
NHS helpline to A&E (R2)
R1-Haematology (urgent)
R2-A&E (via NHS helpline)
2 1 1 No
P20 F 74 Low mood (‘almost depressed’), lack of energy, pain (ribs, shoulder blades, leg), headaches, weight loss, under-performance, abnormal blood tests (‘anaemia’). GP
Self-referral to A&E (R1)
R1-A&E (self-referral via ambulance)
• Acute admissions unit
• Orthopaedics
• Haematology
4 7 5 No

1Based on information from interview and HMRN questionnaire

2R indicates secondary care referral and the number indicates the referral sequence

3bold indicates new referral; indicates consultant to consultant referral

4Inability to perform usual activities, including: mobilising and moving (walking, bending, getting upstairs, getting into car, getting in and out of bed, driving, sitting, moving in bed, lying down, getting up); bodily actions (sneezing, coughing); hobbies/sports (golf, hiking, bell ringing, exercise bike, swimming); household jobs (gardening, washing up, moving furniture); work (lifting, general manual work)

5Private appointment

6Accident and Emergency department

*Patient also diagnosed with soft tissue plasmacytoma(s).