Pollen tube penetration behavior of oft1 mutants. A, Analine Blue staining of ms1 pistils pollinated with either Col-0 (top) or oft1-1 (bottom) pollen. White arrowheads indicate pollen tube trajectories through the pistil. Bars = 300 µm. B, Representative images of pollen tube emergence from the TT in ms1 pistils dissected at the indicated time points following pollination with either wild-type Col-0 (top row) or oft1-1 (bottom row) pollen. Bars = 0.5 mm. C, Quantification of ms1 stigmas exhibiting pollen tubes emanating from the TT following pollination with Col-0 (black bars), oft1-1 (red bars), oft1-2 (blue bars), or oft1-3 (green bars) homozygous pollen. Data are means ± se (n = 4 independent trials with four to eight stigmas per experimental group per trial). D, Quantification of pollen tube number emerging from ms1 stigmas at the indicated time points following pollination with Col-0 (black line), oft1-1 (red line), oft1-2 (blue line), or oft1-3 (green line). Data are means ± se (n = 4 biological replicates).