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. 2017 Nov 1;153(3):261–268. doi: 10.1001/jamasurg.2017.4485

Table 1. Air Medical Prehospital Triage (AMPT) Score.

Criterion Points
Glasgow Coma Scale score <14 1
Respiratory rate <10 or >29 breaths/min 1
Unstable chest wall fracturesa 1
Suspected hemothorax or pneumothoraxb 1
Paralysis 1
Multisystem traumac 1
Physiologic plus anatomic criteriad 2
Helicopter transport should be considered if the AMPT score ≥2

Any chest wall instability or deformity, including flail chest or multiple rib fractures on physical examination.


Absence of breath sounds on affected hemithorax along with objective signs of respiratory distress (eg, cyanosis, peripheral oxygen saturation < 92%, or signs of tension physiology).


Three or more anatomic body regions injured.


Any 1 physiologic criterion along with any 1 anatomic criterion present from American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma National Field Triage guidelines.