Figure 2.
Homozygous hFUS (+/+) transgenic mice show a loss of NMJs by the end stage of disease. (A, C) Co-localization of BTX with FUS revealed an abundance of FUS at the NMJs in P56 NTg and hFUS (+/−) transgenic mice whilst homozygous hFUS (+/+) mice, who have severe hind limb paralysis by this age, show a significant decrease in FUS and BTX co-localization (**P < 0.001) (scale bar 15 μm). (B, D) Synaptophysin (SYP) staining shows that the NMJ is retained in P56 mice from NTg and hFUS (+/−) mice but that there is a significant loss of SYP and BTX co-localization in hFUS (+/+) animals by P56 (**P < 0.001) (scale bar 15 μm). Significance was determined using a 2-way ANOVA with Holm-Sidak post hoc test.