Overview of zebrafish Abcd1 protein. (A) Domain structure and size of Abcd1. (B) Cross-species amino acid conservation matrix (percentages) compared using the Clustal Omega method, species names are indicated; zebrafish (Danio rerio) is top row and has 70% amino acid identity with mouse and human ABCD1. (C) Zebrafish Abcd1 protein is highly conserved compared to human protein, except for the N- and C-termini. Degree of amino acid similarity is indicated by color, with red being identical, and blue being non-conserved, as visualized using PRALINE. (D) Phylogenetic cladogram of evolutionary relationships of Abcd1 and Abcd2 proteins between zebrafish and other species. Scale bar equals an evolutionary distance of 0.1 amino acid changes per position in the sequence (Phylodendron).