Figure 1. upd and dome regulate centrosome/spindle orientation independent of the self-renewal pathway.
(A) Asymmetric GSC divisions. Stereotypical positioning of mother (red circle) and daughter (blue circle) centrosomes leads to spindle orientation that places the gonialblast (GB) away from the hub. (B) The definition of oriented/misoriented centrosomes/spindles. (C–E) Examples of centrosome orientation in control (C), nos-gal4ΔVP16, gal80ts > UAS-domeRNAi (4 d after RNAi induction) (D), and nos-gal4ΔVP16, gal80ts > UAS-hopRNAi (4 d after RNAi induction) (E) GSCs (indicated by a white dotted line). Asterisk indicates the hub. Arrowheads indicate centrosomes. Green: Vasa (germ cells). Red: Fas III (hub cells) and γ-Tubulin (centrosome). Blue: DAPI. Bar: 5 µm. (F–H) Examples of spindles in control (F), nos-gal4ΔVP16, gal80ts > UAS-domeRNAi (4 d after RNAi induction) (G), and nos-gal4ΔVP16, gal80ts > UAS-hopRNAi (4 d after RNAi induction) (H) GSCs (indicated by a white dotted line). Arrowheads indicate spindle poles. Green: Vasa. Red: Fas III and γ-Tubulin. White: Thr 3-phosphorylated histone H3 (PH3) (mitotic chromosomes). Blue: DAPI. Bar: 5 µm. (I) Summary of GSC centrosome/spindle misorientation in the indicated genotypes. P value comparing control and the indicated genotypes was calculated using two-tailed Student’s t-test. Error bars indicate the standard deviation. N = GSC number scored for centrosome orientation or N = mitotic GSC number scored for spindle orientation.