Program Objectives |
Provide a consistent and unified innovation and commercialization education curriculum that could be applied to department faculty with research-based biomedical innovations, such as novel therapeutics, devices, diagnostics, and health information technology (IT) products.
SIEDP Agenda and Session-by-Session Progression |
Session 1 |
A Warm Up: Trends in Medical Innovation
Developing Innovation Projects: A Facilitated Ideation Session
The SIEDP Deliverable: A Professional Business Pitch
Session 2 |
Project Selection and Team Formation
Value Proposition Design & Analysis
The Innovation Landscape: Developing Stakeholder Maps
Session 3 |
Case Study: The Importance of a Value Proposition
Customer Development (Discovery): The Best Approach for Quality Interviews
Team Report-Out: Stakeholder Maps
Session 4 |
Risk as an Effective Planning Strategy
Building Your Presentation: The Executive Summary Template
Intellectual Property and Paths to Commercialization
Session 5 |
Product/Project Development Planning
Conducting Customer Development (Discovery) Interviews
Medical & Engineering Collaborations
Session 6 |
Healthcare Economics: Supporting Data for your Innovation Project
The Investigational New Drug/Investigational Device Exemption (IND/IDE)
Clinical Research Management & Additional Translational Research Resources
Session 7 |
Session 8 |
Session 9 |