hScrib regulates the expression of HPV-18 E6 in HeLa cells. Panel A. HPV-positive HeLa cells were transfected with siRNA Luciferase or siRNA against the indicated E6 PDZ substrates. Cells were grown for 72 h prior to harvesting and the expression patterns of HPV-18 E6, hDlg, hScrib, TIP2, p53, E6AP and α-actinin (to monitor the protein loading) were assessed by western blot analysis. Note that Lanes 1 and 2 have been spliced but all samples were run on the same gel. Panel B. Band intensities were determined using the OptiQuant quantification program. E6 levels were normalized to 100% relative to siLuciferase-transfected HeLa cells. Standard deviations are also shown. Panel C. The silencing of hScrib was performed as in A but using two different siRNAs specific for hScrib. The expression levels of HPV-18 E6, hScrib and α-actinin to monitor the protein loading, were assessed by western blot analysis. Panel D. Strips showing levels of HPV16 E6 detection in CaSki and SiHa cells following transfection with siRNA luciferase (si Luc) or si Scrib. Arrows indicate the position of the internal positive control and the HPV-16 E6 specific band. The bottom panels show the quantification of the band intensities.