Fig. 3.
Loss of hScrib does not affect HPV-18 E6 protein stability. Panel A. HeLa cells were transfected with siRNA against Luciferase or siRNA against hScrib, 72 h after transfection, cells were treated with cycloheximide for 5 different time points: 0, 15, 30, 60 and 120 minutes prior to harvesting. The expression levels of HPV-18 E6, p53, hScrib, and α-actinin to monitor the protein loading, were assessed by western blot. The collated results from 3 independent experiments are shown in panel B. Band intensities were determined using the OptiQuant quantification program. The E6 levels in siLuciferase and siScrib transfected cells were normalized to 100% at time 0. Standard deviations are also shown.