Figure 2.
Grid-Cell-like Representations in Entorhinal Cortex of Young and Older Adults
(A) Higher magnitude of grid-cell-like representations in young relative to older adults. The effect of grid-cell-like representations in older adults was not significantly different from zero.
(B) In control analyses for different symmetrical models (5-fold/7-fold), representational magnitudes were not significantly different from zero, either for young or for older adults.
(C) Lower temporal stability of grid-cell-like representations in older as compared to young adults. Dashed line indicates 50% chance level. Temporal stability scores were significantly different from chance level in young, but not in older, adults (young: t19 = 4.93, p < 0.001; old: t20 = −1.55, p = 0.136).
(D) Significant grid-cell-like representations in young adults for models with reduced data, both when the duration of scanning runs (left bar) or the duration of individual translation events (right bar) was reduced. Dashed line indicates mean grid-cell-like representation magnitude of young adults for the full dataset.
Error bars indicate SEM; ∗p < 0.05; units of representational magnitudes are parameter estimates. See also Figures S1 and S2 and STAR Methods.