spo-11 mutant univalent phenotype is partially rescued in ubc-9;spo-11 double-mutant diakinesis. (A) Schematic of how DAPI bodies were measured in this figure. Univalents do not have any pinched regions, normal bivalents (middle) have one pinched region (red arrow), and an example of an aberrant DAPI body with more than one pinched region is displayed on the right. Green brackets indicate how the length measurement was obtained in (C). (B) Representative images of diakinesis nuclei from all genotypes measured. Bar, 1.5 μM. (C) Graphs of all five genotypes measuring the number of DAPI bodies per nucleus, length of each DAPI body within a nucleus, and the number of pinched regions per DAPI body within a nucleus. Between 10 and 14 nuclei were analyzed, and for individual DAPI body measurements 54–79 DAPI bodies were measured per genotype. Mann–Whitney U test was performed on all pairwise groups and the stars above data indicate significance. The color corresponds to the genotype with which the data is significantly different [i.e., blue stars are being compared with wild-type (WT)]. *** P < 0.0001, ** P < 0.001, and *P < 0.05.