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. 2018 Feb 13;3(1):e000139. doi: 10.1136/tsaco-2017-000139

Table 1.

Demographic and hospital characteristics of firearm injury hospitalizations, NIS 1993–2014

n Total 1993–1996 1997–2002 2003–2007 2008–2014 P
648 662 152 442 167 900 144 942 183 378
 Age <0.0001
  0–15 36 032 (5.6) 11 123 (7.3) 10 188 (6.1) 7432 (5.1) 7289 (4.0)
  16–45 534 140 (82.3) 127 595 (83.7) 139 609 (83.2) 119 477 (82.4) 147 458 (80.4)
  46+ 78 491 (12.1) 13 724 (9.0) 18 103 (10.8) 18 033 (12.4) 28 631 (15.6)
 Race <0.0001
  White 146 805 (22.6) 33 754 (22.1) 35 163 (20.9) 28 428 (19.6) 49 461 (27.0)
  Black 260 478 (40.2) 67 292 (44.1) 59 955 (35.7) 51 193 (35.3) 82 038 (44.7)
  Hispanic 94 519 (14.6) 23 800 (15.6) 21 100 (12.6) 22 625 (15.6) 26 994 (14.7)
  Other 26 379 (4.1) 5434 (3.6) 6406 (3.8) 5827 (4.0) 8712 (4.8)
  Unknown 120 481 (18.6) 22 162 (14.5) 45 277 (27.0) 36 869 (25.4) 16 173 (8.8)
 Sex 0.38
  Male 575 604 (89.0) 134 820 (88.5) 149 548 (89.1) 128 306 (89.3) 162 931 (89.1)
  Female 71 161 (11.0) 17 598 (11.6) 18 310 (10.9) 15 402 (10.7) 19 851 (10.9)
 Insurance 0.13
  Private/Medicare 178 774 (27.8) 38 604 (25.5) 51 107 (30.9) 39 326 (27.6) 49 737 (27.3)
  Self-pay 202 409 (31.5) 50 089 (33.0) 54 395 (32.9) 45 312 (31.8) 52 614 (28.9)
  Medicaid/No charge/Other 260 902 (40.6) 62 969 (41.5) 60 068 (36.3) 57 945 (40.6) 79 920 (43.9)
 Neighborhood income quartiles <0.0001
  ≤$24 999 275 761 (45.2) 75 036 (55.9) 41 096 (25.7) 71 332 (51.2) 88 297 (50.1)
  $25,000–$34 999 172 802 (28.3) 39 604 (29.5) 54 244 (34.0) 34 727 (24.9) 44 228 (25.1)
  $35,000–$44 999 104 320 (17.1) 14 542 (10.8) 38 080 (23.8) 22 393 (16.1) 29 305 (16.6)
  ≥$45 000 56 906 (9.3) 5076 (3.8) 26 332 (16.5) 10 986 (7.9) 14 512 (8.2)
 Location 0.015
  Rural 29 983 (4.8) 9902 (6.5) 9650 (5.8) 5749 (4.0) 4683 (3.0)
  Urban 589 822 (95.2) 142 021 (93.5) 157 960 (94.2) 139 180 (96.0) 150 661 (97.0)
 Teaching hospital 0.002
  Non-teaching 156 828 (25.4) 56 146 (37.0) 41 550 (24.8) 32 467 (22.4) 26 665 (17.3)
  Teaching 461 547 (74.6) 95 777 (63.0) 126 060 (75.2) 112 460 (77.6) 127 249 (82.7)
 Size 0.097
  Small 32 846 (5.1) 11 604 (7.6) 8399 (5.0) 6150 (4.2) 6693 (3.7)
  Medium 157 507 (24.4) 42 122 (27.7) 48 080 (28.7) 30 085 (20.8) 37 220 (20.7)
  Large 454 296 (70.5) 98 197 (64.6) 111 131 (66.3) 108 693 (75.0) 136 275 (75.6)
 Region 0.31
  Northeast 111 872 (17.3) 30 327 (19.9) 25 994 (15.5) 20 618 (14.2) 34 933 (19.1)
  Midwest 123 618 (19.1) 21 243 (13.9) 39 404 (38.6) 29 449 (20.3) 33 522 (18.3)
  South 264 577 (40.8) 56 585 (37.1) 64 875 (38.6) 64 210 (44.3) 78 907 (43.0)
  West 148 596 (22.9) 44 287 (29.1) 37 627 (22.4) 30 666 (21.2) 36 017 (19.6)
Intent of injury 0.025
 Assault/Legal 389 506 (60.1) 89 183 (58.5) 98 547 (58.7) 89 545 (61.8) 1 12 231 (61.2)
 Unintentional 157 225 (24.2) 38 738 (25.4) 42 348 (25.2) 32 733 (22.6) 43 406 (23.7)
 Intentional self-harm 55 601 (8.6) 11 270 (7.4) 13 628 (8.1) 12 263 (8.5) 18 440 (10.1)
 Undetermined 46 330 (7.1) 13 251 (8.7) 13 378 (8.0) 10 401 (7.2) 9301 (5.1)
Location of injury <0.0001
 Head or neck 75 594 (11.9) 15 403 (10.5) 19 234 (11.9) 17 086 (12.2) 22 769 (13.0)
 Face 24 626 (3.9) 5090 (3.5) 6099 (3.8) 5402 (3.9) 7455 (4.2)
 Chest 81 039 (12.7) 17 442 (11.9) 20 635 (12.8) 18 428 (13.2) 23 092 (13.2)
 Abdominal/pelvic contents 152 231 (23.9) 33 981 (23.2) 39 470 (24.4) 34 841 (24.9) 42 187 (24.0)
 Extremities/pelvic girdle 195 070 (30.6) 43 096 (29.5) 46 912 (29.0) 42 601 (30.5) 58 583 (33.4)
 External 109 298 (17.1) 31 178 (21.3) 29 540 (18.3) 21 523 (15.4) 21 532 (12.3)

All values are weighted frequencies (n) and weighted percentages (%) using survey weighted analysis except Elixhauser comorbidity score presented as mean and SD. From 1993 to 1997, median household income fell into four categories: (1) $1–$25 000, (2) $25 001–$30 000, (3) $30 001–$35,000, (4) $35 001 and above. From 1998 to 2002, median household income fell into four categories: (1) $1– $24 999, (2) $25 000–$34 999, (3) $35 000– $44 999, (4) $45 000 and above. From 2003 onwards, median household income was present in the data as national quartiles for patient’s ZIP Code.