Figure 4.
Activity of Cra overrides activity of CRP on the glycolysis pathway. (A) Expression of genes in the glycolysis pathway was repressed on acetate compared to glucose. Among the listed genes of glycolysis, fbaA, gapA, and pgk are repressed by Cra against activating regulation by CRP. (B) Normalized reaction fluxes through glycolysis were calculated to decrease on acetate compared to glucose, agreeing with expression changes. (C) When the model was used to simulate growth on acetate, in silico growth rate was predicted to decrease as the glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase reaction (GAPD) in glycolysis was forced to have a higher volume of reaction flux. The left red dotted line indicates the reaction flux on acetate, and the right one indicates the reaction flux on glucose. (D) In-depth mapping of Cra binding sites and promoters explains how the activity of Cra can override the activity of CRP. Cra binds onto the promoter of epd-pgk-fbaA operon covering the transcription start site, which can interfere with transcriptional activation by CRP. Similarly, Cra binds downstream of the gapA promoter blocking the proceeding of RNA polymerase.