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. 2018 Mar 6;39(2):79–132. doi: 10.1210/er.2017-00253

Table 5.

Clinical Trials of Exercise in Individuals Who Are Overweight or Obese

Authors Inclusion Criteria Intervention Groups Duration No. Patients/No. Follow-up Results Comments
Wood et al., 1988 (297) Men 120%–160% overweight (1) Diet (−1 kg/wk); fat reduced by 30% 1 year (1) 51/42 (1) BW −7.2 kg TG and HDL cholesterol improved
(2) Individual instruction (−1 kg/wk); exercise (60%–80% of maximal physical capacity, 40–50 min, three to four times per week) (2) 52/47 Fat −5.9 kg Diet and physical activity yield the same reduction in weight and fat at the same negative calorie balance
(3) Control (3) 52/42 (2) BW −4.0 kg
Fat −4.2 kg
(3) BW +0.6 kg
Fat −0.3 kg
Wing et al., 1988 (298) Women: 30–60 y with T2DM; >20% above ideal weight (1) Diet (−1000 kcal/d) + walking (3 miles, three times per week) 12 mo (1) 12 (1) BW −7.9 kg HbA1C was reduced and medications were reduced in groups 1 and 2
(2) Free diet + walking (3 miles, four times per week) (2) 15 (2) BW −7.9 kg
(3) Diet + stretching (3) 13 (3) BW −3.8 kg
Wood et al., 1991 (299) Men and women: 25–49 y; overweight 120%–160% (1) Diet (moderate reduction of energy, fat, cholesterol) Bottom of form (1) 87/71 Men: BP decreased in groups 1 and 2 (both men and women)
(2) Diet (as above) + exercise (60%–80% of maximal physical capacity, 25-45 min, three times per week) (2) 90/81 (1) BW −5.1 kg Cholesterol decreased in groups 1 and 2 (women)
(3) Control (3) 87/79 (2) BW −8.7 kg HDL cholesterol increased in group 2 (both men and women)
(3) BW +1.7 kg TG decreased in group 2 (men)
(1) BW −4.2 kg
(2) BW −5.5 kg
(3) BW +1.3 kg
Svendsen et al., 1994 (300) Women: 49-58 y; BMI 25–42 kg/m2 (1) Diet (4.2 MJ/d = 1000 kcal/d) 2 wk with 6 mo follow-up (1) 51/47 12 wk: TG decreased and
(2) Diet (as above) + exercise (submaximal aerobics and body building) (2) 49/47 (1) BW −6.6 kg HDL cholesterol increased
(3) Control (3) 21/16 (2) BW −10.9 kg There was no effect from physical activity
(3) BW 0.0 kg
6 mo:
(1) BW −8.0 kg
(2) BW −8.0 kg
(3) BW 0.0 kg
Pritchard et al., 1997 (301) Men: overweight mean BMI 29 kg/m2 (1) Diet (−500 kcal/d) + low fat 12 mo 66/60 (1) BW −6.3 kg Diet was “self-controlled”
(2) Exercise (65%–75% of maximal physical capacity, 45 min, three to seven times per week) (2) BW −2.6 kg
(3) Control (3) BW +0.9 kg
Irwin et al., 2003 (302) Overweight nonsmoking postmenopausal women age 50–75 y with a BMI > 25 kg/m2 or BMI 24–25 and body fat > 33% by DXA who were sedentary at baseline (<60 min/wk of moderate to vigorous activity) and maximal oxygen uptake of <25 mL/kg/min (1) Exercise [at least 45 min, moderate intensity, 5 d/wk, 12 mo (months 1–3 they attended three sessions per week; months 4–12 they attended one session per week)] 12 mo (1) 87/84 (1) 3 mo: Participants were advised to maintain usual diet
(2) Stretching (weekly sessions of 45 min for 12 mo) (2) 86/86 BW −0.5 Weight loss was related to degree of exercise
12 mo:
BW −1.3 kg
Fat −1.4 kg
VAT −8.5 cm2
(2) 3 mo:
BW 0.0 kg
12 mo:
BW 0.1 kg
Fat −0.1 kg
VAT 0.1 cm2
Donnelly et al., 2003 (303) Overweight men and women age 17–36 y with a BMI of 25.0–34.9 kg/m2 (1) Exercise (400 kcal/d, 5 d/wk with walking on a treadmill at 55%–70% of maximal physical capacity uptake) 16 mo of verified exercise (1) 87/41 (1) Men Exercise produced weight loss in men and prevented weight gain in women
(2) Control (2) 44/33 BW −5.2 kg
Fat −4.9 kg
VAT −22.4 cm2
BW +0.4 kg
(1) Fat −0.2 kg
VAT −3.2 cm2
(2) Men
BW −0.5 kg
Fat −0.7 kg
VAT −6.3 cm2
BW +2.9 kg
Fat +2.0 kg
VAT +3.1 cm2
Slentz et al., 2004 (304) Men and women age 40–60 y and BMI of 25–35 kg/m2 and mild to moderate lipid abnormalities (1) Exercise [high amount/vigorous intensity, calorically equivalent to ∼20 miles (32.0 km) of jogging per week at 65%–80% maximal physical capacity] 8 mo of observed exercise (1) 44/17 (1) BW −3.5 kg Subjects were counseled not to change diets and encouraged to maintain body weight.
(2) Exercise [low amount/vigorous intensity, equivalent to ∼12 miles (19.2 km) of jogging per week at 65%–80%] (2) 52/24 Fat 4.9 kg
(3) Exercise [low amount/moderate intensity, equivalent to ∼12 miles (19.2 km) of walking per week at 40%–55%] (3) 42/14 Waist −3.4 cm
(4) Control (4) 44/7 (2) BW −1.1 kg
Fat −2.6 kg
Waist −1.4 cm
(3) BW −1.3 kg
Fat −2.0 kg
Waist −1.1 cm
(4) BW 1.1 kg
Fat 0.5 kg
Waist 0.8 cm

Abbreviations: BW, body weight; DXA, dual x-ray absorptiometry; TG, triglyceride; VAT, visceral adipose tissue.

Adapted and updated from Östman et al., 2004 (296).